SPP 1372:  Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems (TiP)

Subject Area Geosciences
Term from 2008 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 58017702

Project Description

The Tibetan Plateau is a determining factor for the Asian monsoon system. A major part of Asia's water supply is dependent on the hydrological cycle related to the plateau. Human impacts on it may have far reaching consequences. The formation of the plateau, especially its tectonic uplift, is still an enigma in Earth science. The Priority Programme TiP researches processes, interactions and feedbacks of the driving forces plateau formation, climate and human impact and their effect on ecosystems on three different time scales:
(1) Plateau formation and related climate change of the past ca 70 million years: TiP aims to reveal the impact of plateau formation on climate and ecosystems on a time-scale of millions to several tens of millions of years. The plateau formation is deduced from geodynamic processes and proxies of elevation history. TiP uses lacustrine and terrestrial archives to reconstruct the palaeo-environmental evolution and relate these results to the evolution of the plateau.
(2) Late Cenozoic climate evolution and environmental response during the last hundred thousand years: TiP aims to better understand the natural variability of monsoonal precipitation and melt water production. Therefore, TiP proposes to discern the influence of specific monsoonal air masses whose interaction causes a distinct spatial and temporal pattern of precipitation. The impact of precipitation and melt water production on sediment routing (sediment cascades) within lake catchments from different monsoonal regimes is proposed to serve for characterisation of the environmental responses to monsoon dynamics during the Late Cenozoic.
(3) Human impact and global change on ecosystems during the past ca 8000 years and future perspectives: TiP aims to clarify the role of geological and anthropogenic factors for the development of the existing Earth system. TiP investigates which unique regional climatic features exist at the formed plateau, how they developed and how they feed back to the global climate system. TiP investigates how the appearance of man and global change affected the Tibetan ecosystem and how this might feed back to the global system.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection China, United Kingdom, USA


Spokespersons Professor Dr. Erwin Appel; Professor Dr. Volker Mosbrugger