Realistische Berechnung von Störstellen und Grenzflächen in Kuprat-Supraleitern

Applicant Dr. Siegfried Graser
Subject Area Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2007 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 57996739

Project Description

Although the experimental as well as the theoretical investigation of cupratesuperconductores is one of the hottest physical topics since the discovery of hightemperature superconductivity in 1986, the origin of the unconventional pairingmechanism responsible for superconductivity in these materials is still controversial.The recent development of new experimental techniques and the refinementof existing ones allow insight into local physical properties of these materials thatcould not even be thought of some years ago. The aim of this research project isthe development of a detailled microscopic theory of the local physical propertiesin the vicinity of defects and grain boundaries allowing one to make a steptowards a better understanding of the fundamental superconducting propertiesin these materials. Comparing the theoretical results with recent experimentalstudies, I hope especially to find new hints concerning the nature and the originof the pairing interaction responsible for superconductivity, in addition, a bettertheoretical understanding of the influence of defects and grain boundaries onthe superconducting state could help in developing new materials with specialproperties optimized for different applications.
DFG Programme Research Fellowships
International Connection USA
Host Professor Peter J. Hirschfeld