As a continuation of the service of the original Z-project (Prof. Kögler KO2119/6-1) the project will supply USSC, CB MSC, bone marrow MSC as well as preclinical readout systems for all other projects of the group. Moreover, based on the expertise established during the last three years, we will generate GMP grade USSC and CB MSC for preclinical applications. To ensure high quality standards a basic characterization including determination of growth kinetics, immunophenotype and expansion capacity, telomere length, karyotype, senescence, definition of osteogenic, adipogenic and, in limited cases, hepatic differentiation potential as well as examination of marker gene expression (e.g. DLK-1, HOXA9, HOXB7, HOXC10 and HOXD8) and embryonic stem cell marker expression (e.g.OCT4A, NANOG, SOX2, hTERT) will be accomplished. On behalf of the entire the application is placed here for a FLUIDIGM BioMark HX System. This novel instrumentation will provide unprecedented inside into the earliest cell fate decisions of USSC and iP-USSC, highlighting the molecular mechanism and genetic master switches. This approach can be employed on very small cell numbers. This is suitable for the analysis of a broad range of miRNAs in rare cell populations, is quantitative, rapid and cost effective.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
3500 Zellzähl- und Klassiergeräte (außer Blutanalyse), Koloniezähler