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The project contributes to growing the efficiency of Diamond Open Access (DOA) publishing in Germany by supporting the currently decentralised institutions in improving their technical and procedural services and providing centralised innovations for Diamond Open Access publishing. The project will address services for open access journals as well as open access books. The objectives to be achieved in the course of the project start at establishing a working governance, both for the project and tentatively for its long-term successor. This includes integration into the German Communities of Practice involved in Diamond Open Access Publishing as well as international networks, thus serving as the German Diamond Open Access Capacity Centre that interoperates with the European Diamond Capacity Hub and the Global Diamond Open Access Alliance. The project will provide publishing options at existing DOA venues or via project-specific services, acting both as a distribution hub and a service provider. The project will provide guidelines and training for the community and focus on discipline-specific as well as international networks. To increase visibility and metadata quality, the project will map Diamond Open Access publications in Germany and set up a database-supported registry, building on existing databases. In order to invest in the future of Diamond Open Access publishing, the project will set up a lab that will develop innovative publishing models and act as a sounding-board for all relevant DOA stakeholders.
DFG Programme Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)

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