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Oxamide Complex-based Sensors for the Detection of Halogenated Organic Compounds (HOC-SENSE)

Subject Area Analytical Chemistry
Measurement Systems
Term since 2025
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 555442401
Halogenated organic compounds (HOCs) considered as persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are of particular interest for research and regulations due to their slow decomposition rates, long-range migration, and accumulation in different ecological compartments, posing a serious environmental and human health risk. HOCs are not electroactive and hence difficult to detect. In order to match the reduction potential of carbon-halogen bonds, a profound knowledge of electrode material design and fabrication is required. To fulfill this target, the synthesis and optimization of oxamide-based complexes as electrochemical sensors having high catalytic activity for the reductive cleavage of the carbon-halogen bonds are employed. Oxamide-based complexes are considered promising candidates due to their fascinating intrinsic features such as structural resilience, inexpensive synthesis, simplicity of functionalization, and redox activity. In this project, several strategies and techniques for building oxamide-based electrodes are investigated e.g., hybridization with carbonaceous nanomaterials, metallic/metallic oxide nanoparticles, and grafting of conductive polymers for designing ultrasensitive electrodes for label-free detection of (HOCs). The aim is to provide deep knowledge on the feasibility, selectivity, sensitivity, stability, and quantification constraints of this approach. This significantly contributes to investigate the synergy and mutual effect of the oxamide-based complexes with carbon/ metallic nanomaterials and conductive polymers in the context of (HOCs) detection.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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