Project Details
Remedy – Rights management and provision of access to sensitive audiovisual media using the medical films of the former IWF gGmbH as example
Margret Plank
Subject Area
Anatomy and Physiology
Otolaryngology, Phoniatrics and Audiology
Human Genetics
Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
Otolaryngology, Phoniatrics and Audiology
Human Genetics
Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Reconstructive Surgery
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 554756298
The aim of this project is to establish the basis for making the historical medical films in stock at TIB digitally accessible to researchers via the Internet for modern digital working methods. As part of the research proposal, historical medical films available only in analogue formats will be digitised, a legal and technical risk assessment will be carried out with regard to the digital provision of the films via the Internet, the resulting requirements for additional technical protective measures will be evaluated and implemented as a prototype for the TIB AV-Portal. In addition, techniques for human- and machine-readable rights labelling of the films and metadata as well as techniques for semi-automatic anonymisation of films are to be evaluated and implemented as prototypes. Project results are published as Open Access and Open Source in compliance with the FAIR and TRUST principles.
DFG Programme
Cataloguing and Digitisation (Scientific Library Services and Information Systems)
Elke Brehm