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Response of the UPPer Atmosphere to Geomagnetic Activity (RUPPAG)

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 554604761
Earth's upper atmosphere is a highly complex region that responds to external influences such as solar radiation, geomagnetic activity, and lower atmospheric forcing. Geomagnetic activity, in particular, is known to be a predominant external driver of ionospheric irregularities, ranging from minor fluctuations to severe disturbances that can affect the temperature, composition, and dynamics of the thermosphere and upper atmosphere. While there have been several studies investigating the role of geomagnetic activity in the thermosphere-ionosphere system, most of these studies have focused primarily on disturbed geomagnetic conditions. However, recent research has shown that even during periods of quiet geomagnetic activity, the ionosphere experiences strong fluctuations. The RUPPAG project aims to investigate these fluctuations in detail and to investigate the physical processes responsible for them. RUPPAG will provide a detailed description of the influence of geomagnetic activity on the ionosphere and thermosphere, taking into account a wide range of datasets (Dst, Kp, SDO-EVE, GUVI, ionosonde or TEC maps, GOLD, and ICON). To investigate the underlying physical processes involved in the ionospheric irregularities, RUPPAG will make use of two state-of-the-art upper atmosphere numerical models, namely the Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics (CTIPe) model and the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Electrodynamics General Circulation Model (TIE-GCM). By analyzing these data sets and using the physics based models, RUPPAG will provide a more precise understanding of the ionospheric and thermospheric processes and their variability due to geomagnetic activity. Furthermore, RUPPAG will focus on the relative contribution of external factors to ionospheric irregularities, which will enhance our understanding of the complex interactions between the Earth's upper atmosphere and external forcing. RUPPAG will lead to enhance the general understanding of the processes occurring in the upper atmosphere, which are relevant for predicting ionospheric conditions.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection USA

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