Project Details
Multi-sensor measuring system
Subject Area
Mechanics and Constructive Mechanical Engineering
Funded in 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 554390626
The multi-sensor measuring system is a mobile measuring system for the high-precision characterisation of complex structures in mechanical, uninterrupted tests. It combines the measurement techniques of quasi-continuous fibre optic strain measurement (FOSS), acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) and thus records the strain, crack formation and crack propagation in the structure and on its surface. The fusion of these measured variables promises sufficient information for the high-precision experimental characterization of the strength and damage modes of complex structures without having to interrupt the test, e.g. for imaging procedures. In contrast, the measurement of individual variables usually provides too little information for this purpose. On a laboratory scale, it is common to interrupt the measurement in order to obtain the additional information required for precise characterization, for example by means of X-ray computed tomography (CT). A major advantage of the multi-sensor measuring system is therefore the ability to test continuously and to record the structural behavior comprehensively even outside the laboratory scale. A basic prerequisite for the functionality of the system is the synchronized recording of damage events using different measurement techniques. The exact synchronization of all measurement sensors is therefore a key feature of the multi-sensor measuring system. Furthermore, the multi-sensor measuring system can be used in a flexible manner: it is portable, can be used for measuring fields from a few millimeters to several meters and is able to test various materials such as fiber-reinforced plastics, steels, additively manufactured plastics, concretes and hybrid materials. The multi-sensor measuring system also allows discontinuous measurements and the triggering of measurement signals by external signals. In fatigue tests, for example, measurements can be carried out precisely at the force maxima. The multi-sensor measuring system is therefore suitable for both short-term and long-term tests. The knowledge gained about the structural behavior due to the high-precision characterization is used, among other things, for the validation and further development of material and simulation models for predicting structural behavior, the design of structural health monitoring (SHM) systems for continuous, non-destructive condition monitoring and the testing of existing, large structures such as bridges.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Instrumentation Group
8710 Optische Längenmeßgeräte (außer 062-067 und Meßmikroskope 503)
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Braunschweig