Project Details
X-ray diffractometer with texture goniometer
Subject Area
Condensed Matter Physics
Funded in 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 553952209
We propose the acquisition of an X-ray diffractometer capable of operating in Bragg-Brentano geometry for standard macroscopic sample analysis as well as in grazing incidence mode for the examination of thin films. Consequently, we also request the necessary components of X-ray optics required for these analyses. This setup will facilitate the investigation of thin films, including the analysis of residual stresses. For texture analysis, we request the inclusion of a so-called "Eulerian cradle." Given that the number of users exceeds 50, we propose the acquisition of an automatic sample changer and automated X-ray optics to optimize measurement efficiency. An X-ray lens is requested to significantly enhance the intensity during texture measurements of grain orientation and microdiffraction analyses. The associated software package should not only manage control and data acquisition but also include evaluation routines for phase analysis, peak refinement, and full-profile analyses (e.g., Rietveld and Reverse Monte Carlo methods). A crystallographic phase database is unnecessary as our existing database can be integrated into or linked with the new software according to the manufacturer's specifications. This existing database is sufficient for the materials to be investigated with the instrument and can be expanded as needed.
DFG Programme
Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation
Röntgendiffraktometer mit Texturgoniometer
Instrumentation Group
4010 Einkristall-Diffraktometer
Applicant Institution
Universität Münster