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Exploring thermodynamics and kinetics of metal-hydrides for solid-state hydrogen storage system through multi-dimensional electron microscopy analysis

Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Solids and Surfaces, Material Characterisation
Thermodynamics and Kinetics as well as Properties of Phases and Microstructure of Materials
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 551479974
Metal-hydrides will be prepared as solid-state hydrogen storage systems and their thermodynamics and kinetics during the adsorption/desorption cycles will be investigated and correlated with the microstructural changes during cycling. We will focus on two systems: TiFe as model system for room temperature hydrogen storage and Mg-X composites for high temperature applications. For the TiFe systems, Fe clustering is expected to play a critical role during hydrogen adsorption/desorption and we aim to follow and understand the structural effects leading to the shift of the equilibrium pressure with increasing cycling. For the Mg-X system the focus will be on the catalytic effects of Fe and Ni for hydrogen cycling. A combination of low-dose 4D-STEM techniques and plasmon EELS will be used to follow the structural evolution during cycling depending on hydrogen partial pressure and temperature using both ex-situ and in-situ TEM analysis. As part of this, we will use and further develop data processing approaches for in-situ 4D-STEM to extract locally resolved quantitative phase and strain information using both statistical and AI based analysis methods. These methodology developments will be deployed and made available for the scientific community. The experimental investigations will be backed up by first-principal calculations. The understanding of the processing during hydrogen adsorption/desorption is expected to be used to develop optimized design rules for solid-state hydrogen storage systems.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection South Korea
Cooperation Partner Dr. Dong Won Chun

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