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Investigating clustering of supramolecular bonds in segregated environments

Subject Area Preparatory and Physical Chemistry of Polymers
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 551070679
Supramolecular bonds in polymers can exhibit reversible bond formation and reformation, depending on their bonding strength, their exchange kinetics as well as influences from a surrounding micro- and nano-environment. Although there is ample knowledge about thermodynamic and kinetic parameters in solution, where high diffusion is coupled to an often isotropic environment, there is only rudimentary knowledge about such impact in media where both, diffusion and spatial inhomogeneities as well as anisotropy prevail. When embedded into polymerssupramolecular bonds bonds display a largely modified exchange behavior when compared to their solution counterparts. Thus in microphase segregated (block-co)polymers, both, supramolecular bonds are different in strength, dynamics and directionality, imposed by local environment and constraints. The knowledge of detailed association/dissociation equilibria and clustering in such complex, non-solvated polymers is currently largely unknown, requiring a detailed and systematic understanding as it is of importance in modern materials. We here will pursue a systematic approach to understand the behavior of hydrogen bonds in nonsolvated environments in homo- and block-copolymers. Dynamic combinatorial libraries, built from cyclic receptor molecules containing multiple H bonds will allow a clear vision to reveal clustering effect and further engineer supramolecular bonding strength and dynamics in solid polymers.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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