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S09 HyperGraph. Computational integration of molecular interactions to elucidate metabolic mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy and atrophy

Subject Area Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 536691227
Maintaining skeletal muscle mass is vital for metabolic and overall health. Yet, the mechanisms by which hypertrophy, i.e., muscle growth, and atrophy, i.e., muscle loss, affect metabolism are not fully understood. The HyperMet consortium aims to elucidate these metabolic mechanisms and their impact on health using advanced methods of metabolic research. This includes arteriovenous and isotope-labeled metabolomics to study the intracellular metabolism and metabolic flux in hypertrophying and atrophying muscles, their exchange of metabolites with the circulation, and ultimately to analyze inter-organ metabolism. To gain insights into the metabolic consequences of muscle biomass changes, the large and complex data sets generated through these methods need to be assembled, statistically analyzed, visualized, combined, and contextualized. The Hypergraph project, one of two central service projects within HyperMet, aims to assist the consortium in the analysis and combined interpretation of the extensive and intricate data generated across the various projects. To this end, HyperGraph will provide and combine advanced computational tools for processing, analyzing, and integrating metabolite and metabolic flux measurements with proteomics, transcriptomics, and genomics data. Our main objectives include offering state of the art data analysis pipelines for omics data analyses, developing and providing advanced network-based methods for omics integration and cross tissue metabolic analyses, and supporting comparative analysis and contextualization of results across different projects and with results from large human studies. Our approach also entails creating an openly accessible web resource for structured representation and integration of HyperMet results facilitating their broad dissemination within HyperMet and beyond. Through these efforts, HyperGraph seeks to advance the entire HyperMet effort for enhancing our understanding of muscle metabolism and its implications for health.
DFG Programme Research Units

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