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S08 HyperFlux. Metabolic flux analysis to determine the effects of muscle hypertrophy and atrophy on metabolic health

Subject Area Endocrinology, Diabetology, Metabolism
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 536691227
Within the HyperMet consortium, the "HyperFlux" project plays a critical role in advancing our understanding of metabolic fluxes associated with muscle hypertrophy and atrophy, which are important for assessing overall metabolic health. The primary goal of the project is to equip project partners with the necessary resources and knowledge to conduct stable-isotope assisted metabolic flux experiments effectively. To achieve this, the project integrates advanced mass-spectrometric techniques and in-house developed software tools that enable precise determination of metabolic fluxes. These tools and methodologies are applied to a wide range of samples, from whole cells to mitochondria, ensuring a comprehensive analysis. The project's infrastructure includes cutting-edge instruments such as Orbitrap IDX, QTRAP, multiple GC-MS, UPLC/qTOFs, a GCIRMS, and specialized biochemical analyzers. This array allows for optimal support in conducting sophisticated metabolic flux analyses and contributes to a deeper understanding of the metabolic modifications that occur during muscle hypertrophy and atrophy. Objectives of the HyperFlux project include providing in-depth support for metabolic flux analysis in both in vivo and in vitro systems, profiling arterial-venous metabolomics in vivo, and conducting metabolite organ fate assays. By facilitating these activities, the project aims to uncover how metabolic reprogramming in hypertrophying and atrophying muscles affects metabolite exchanges with circulation and inter-organ metabolism, thereby enhancing our understanding of metabolic health. The project's specific tasks are tailored to offer comprehensive support for metabolic flux analysis, extend this support to in vivo systems, and provide training to enhance proficiency in these experimental techniques. Through these efforts, the project HyperFlux aims to significantly contribute to the overarching goals of the HyperMet consortium by offering specialized assistance and fostering a nuanced understanding of metabolic pathways and their regulatory dynamics.
DFG Programme Research Units

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