Project Details
Performance of Technical Reactors in Dynamic Operation (C08*)
Subject Area
Chemical and Thermal Process Engineering
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 426888090
The objective of this project is the transfer of lab-scale knowledge into real-world applications. For this, different reactor systems will be operated with complex realistic gas mixtures and under highly dynamic conditions. Simultaneously spatially resolved gas-phase species and temperature profiles inside the catalyst are obtained by the SpaciPro technique. Such insights can be used to develop optimized operation strategies for technical reactors, which exploit the formation of different reac-tion zones along the catalyst bed and hereby maximize product selectivity and catalytic activity.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Subproject of
SFB 1441:
Tracking the active site in heterogeneous catalysis for emission control (TrackAct)
Applicant Institution
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Project Heads
Professor Dr. Thomas Koch, since 1/2025; Dr. Patrick Lott, since 1/2025