Project Details
Argumentative Reasoning in Nonsensical Situations
Professor Dr. Matthias Thimm
Subject Area
Methods in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Theoretical Computer Science
Theoretical Computer Science
since 2024
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 550735820
In this project, we will investigate the problem of argumentative reasoning in logic-based formalisations of knowledge, where the specified information is flawed in terms of non-existence of non-trivial conclusions. We will consider the formal framework of abstract argumentation and the notion of vacuity that char- acterises such flawed situations. More precisely, an abstract argumentation framework is vacuous (wrt. some given semantics) if there exists no non-empty set of acceptable arguments. This project will deeply investigate the notion of vacuity and develop methods to handle it. In particular, we will develop new argumentation semantics, methods for explaining vacuity as well as measuring it, and introduce initial sets and serialisation sequences for such cases that will help to point out to the exact issues in the represented knowledge. While we will mainly focus on the formalism of abstract argumentation, we will also apply the newly developed concepts to generalisations of abstract argumentation frameworks, in particular bipolar argumentation frameworks, argumentation frameworks with recursive attacks, and argumentation frameworks with collective attacks, and also to structured formalisms, in particular ASPIC+.
DFG Programme
Research Grants