ToF-SIMS (Time-of-flight secondary ions mass spectrometer)

Subject Area Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Term Funded in 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 550487435

Project Description

The instrument object of this proposal is a Time-of-flight secondary ions mass spectrometer (ToF-SIMS). This is a surface-sensitive analytical method that uses a focused beam of ions (for example Cesium, Gallium or Bismuth) to remove/eject molecules or molecular fragments from the surface of a sample in high vacuum. Such fragments are ideally removed layer by layer and, since they are positively or negatively charged, can be collected and identified by a spectrometer based on their mass-to-charge m/Z ratio. This is done by measuring the time of flight, i.e. the time it takes them to reach the detector. In its most basic operation, the instrument can be used as a surface spectrometer to determine the chemical composition of such surface. However, given the layer-by-layer nature of the process, the instrument can also offer depth profiling, allowing excellent depth resolution down to roughly 3-5 nm. Depending on the mode in which it is operated, the instrument can also provide lateral imaging (resolution on the order of 40-50 nm). Therefore, one may even obtain 3D reconstructions of samples composition (hence 4D information, since every pixel contains a mass spectrum). Other than the spatial resolution, there are other possibilities with ToF-SIMS: i) wide range of masses detectable in parallel. This implies that the method is applicable to a very broad range of materials, including metals, oxides and even polymers and soft matter. ii) Sensitivity: trace elements can be detected in the ppm range and with resolutions far higher than 10000. iii) a high vacuum environment coupled with heating/cooling stages and with several possibilities for inert transfer of samples to/from gloveboxes allows high experimental flexibility and to work with samples unstable in atmospheric conditions. iv) It can also be combined with sputtering or focused-ion beams to obtain cross sectional imaging. The above-described instrument is therefore a unique tool with high flexibility to investigate a wide range of materials, describe their surfaces ́ chemical properties and morphology, as well as to observe their evolution towards the bulk and finally reconstructing full chemical volumetric information. Here, we propose to apply ToF- SIMS to a wide variety of materials and technologically relevant devices. The main application is the investigation of battery materials, from electrodes to solid electrolytes and to the respective interfaces, spanning Li-ion as well as new generation Na-ion, solid-state and Li-S batteries. Further applications will include fuel cells, metals and alloys, clays and various layered compounds, oxides for photoelectrochemical applications, as well as biological samples.
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation
Major Instrumentation ToF-SIMS (Flugzeit-Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometer)
Instrumentation Group 1720 Spezielle Massenspektrometer (Flugzeit-, Cyclotronresonanz-, Ionensonden, SIMS, außer 306)
Applicant Institution Universität Bayreuth
Leader Professor Dr. Matteo Bianchini