Invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPD) remain one of the most common causes of death worldwide despite the use of antibiotics. Pneumolysin (PLY), a central virulence factor of Streptococcus pneumoniae, plays a crucial role in impairing host immune response and promoting disease spread. Targeting PLY presents a promising potential for therapeutic interventions in IPD. Our research focuses on developing synthetic sterols capable of interacting with PLY and neutralizing its harmful effects. We aim to maximize the effectiveness of these sterols in interacting with PLY through structural modifications. This could open new avenues for treating IPD by explicitly targeting the pathogen's main virulence factor. Additionally, we investigate the impact of these modified sterols on host immune response and their role in combating pneumococcal infections. Strengthening immune defenses could help contain disease spread and improve patient recovery. Our goal is to comprehensively understand the interaction between synthetic sterols and PLY and their effects on the pathogenesis of IPD. These insights could not only aid in developing new therapies for this life-threatening condition but also deepen our understanding of the role of cholesterol in infection defense. The significance of our research in intensive care medicine is evident as IPD often causes severe complications requiring intensive medical care. By developing new therapeutic approaches, we could improve treatment outcomes for patients with IPD in intensive care units.
DFG Programme
Research Grants