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Dynamics of symbiont evolution across the psyllid tree of life

Subject Area Evolution, Anthropology
Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 550329922
Psyllids, commonly known as jumping plant lice, are a small group of phloem-feeding insects that have evolved intimate associations with a variety of bacterial symbionts. These symbiotic relationships often contribute to the insect’s diet by making the nutritionally unbalanced plant sap exploitable and enabling the host to adapt to diverse ecological niches. The acquisition of essential nutrients, particularly amino acids and vitamins, through symbiotic associations is a key aspect of these interactions, influencing psyllid fitness and reproductive success. The co-evolutionary dynamics between psyllids and their symbionts have shaped the genomic structure of both parties, leading to intriguing adaptations and molecular interdependencies. However, the relationships between insects and their symbiotic partners are dynamic as symbionts can be frequently acquired, replaced, or lost. In this project, we aim to reconstruct the co-evolutionary history of psyllids with their symbionts and to identify events of symbiont co-diversifications, losses and replacements across the psyllid tree of life. As several psyllid taxa are gall-inducers, we will also investigate how the evolution of this lifestyle has influenced their symbiont communities. We plan to determine the nutritional and protective properties of bacterial symbionts from more than hundred psyllid species by using a combination of whole genome sequencing, phylogenetic reconstructions, fluorescence microscopy, and metabolomic assays. The results of this project will not only provide new insights into the evolutionary dynamics of symbionts of this diverse group of insects, but also deepen our understanding of the evolution and dynamics of insect-microbe relationships in general.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Italy
Partner Organisation Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol
Cooperation Partner Professor Dr. Hannes Schuler

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