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Multi-scale modeling of the mechanical behavior of tribological coating systems

Subject Area Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials and their Microstructural Origins
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 549653864
Additive manufacturing of multi-material structures attracted high attention in recent years based on the technical progress in the field of additive manufacturing. Already existing experimental studies of multi-material structures and metal matrix composites based on different laser- based additive manufacturing processes yield a substantial database. This motivates the complementation of the experimental results by simulation approaches that are able to yield deeper insights into the microstructure property relationship. Existing simulation methods that consider the laser process, usually focus on the prediction of temperature influence on the structure, process induced residual stresses on the macroscale or local solidification conditions. Studies focusing on the material behavior of the meso- and microscale usually concentrate, e.g., on particle geometries and their properties in the composite structure, but neglect the impact of the production process. Based on this gap, the prediction of the process properties of additive manufactured materials and their adaption to their application in relation to the microstructure is a central challenge and objective of this project. We will identify approaches for the optimization and adjustment of suitable production processes and the related parameters based on tailored and efficient microstructures. This is reached by the formulation of a target-oriented modeling approach and the identification of the structure-property relations based on the thermo-mechanical deformation mechanisms, interface interaction, and failure mechanisms in the microstructure. The resulting physical-based understanding of the interplay of system, process and material parameters yield the basis for a systematic optimization. This is particularly interesting for laser-based additive manufacturing processes of coating systems that are highly subjected to transient thermal and thermo-mechanical load.
DFG Programme Research Grants

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