Project Details
Manufacturing-taylored topology optimization for additive manufacturing
Professor Dr.-Ing. Philipp Junker
Subject Area
Primary Shaping and Reshaping Technology, Additive Manufacturing
since 2025
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 512940050
Additive manufacturing allows great freedom in the design of components and has therefore acquired an important position in modern manufacturing. When using freely movable, robot-guided laser radiation, this manufacturing process does not directly restrict the dimensions of the component. However, the larger the dimensions become, the more important it is to take other process-related limitations into account during component conception in order to identify ideal component shapes for this manufacturing process. In this subproject, a new method of computer-aided topology optimization is developed that takes thermal residual stresses and production-related anisotropies as well as overhangs into account. At the same time, the inherent character of additive manufacturing of the gradual construction of the structure is taken into account in the optimization process. For this purpose, a topology optimization method based on growth approaches is being further developed so that it reflects the evolutionary structure of the structure. Furthermore, only support structures that are needed during construction but that also contribute to the load-bearing capacity of the final structure should be determined through the optimization. To take into account the potentially large dimensions of robot-guided, additively manufactured components, the dead weight is of great relevance in numerical optimization and overhangs may only occur in a clearly specified manner in order to ensure the load-bearing capacity even during component construction. Only those areas of the design space that are accessible to the real construction process are released sequentially for topology optimization. This ensures that the simulated topology can actually be manufactured. Additionally, thermal effects that influence the properties of the structure during manufacturing are taken into account during optimization. The topology optimization model is implemented algorithmically to provide efficient, simulation-based access to the design of production-ready components for additive manufacturing. The project is in constant and close exchange with the other sub-projects of the research group in order to be able to directly map and take into account materials science and manufacturing-specific limitations and findings.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Subproject of
FOR 5620:
Simulation-based design and production of load-optimised freeform components by laser metal deposition (DED-LB/M)
Dr.-Ing. Dustin Jantos