TRR 21:  Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter: Common Perspectives of Mesoscopic Systems and Quantum Gases

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2005 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486344

Final Report

Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

Quantum matter offers a spectacular variety of physical phenomena such as superfluidity, superconductivity and anomalous transport in low-dimensional geometries. Furthermore, quantum correlations in strongly interacting matter result in novel non-equilibrium dynamics without analogue in classical systems. Our understanding of the physical properties of nanoscopic and mesoscopic quantum matter and quantum devices is still limited. The strong correlations between many particles encountered in such systems make classical simulation very hard or impossible. Therefore, custom tailored model-systems that provide well defined geometries and dynamic control parameters were used in this collaborative research center to gain new insights on • how to find new states of matter, • how to tailor new dynamic cooperative quantum states, • how to understand the scaling behaviour of properties from few body to many body physics, • how to probe and influence the effects of decoherence and • how to control light matter states. In contrast to classical matter, quantum matter allows for coherent superposition of states and entanglement among sub-systems. This basic fact implies that the accessible state space increases drastically by the number of degrees of freedom. Thus, quantum matter leads to a spectacular increase in the variety of attainable physical properties. We developed and used control options for the underlying quantum units (atoms or “artificial” atoms) to tailor new states of quantum matter, and to understand how they are built up from two to few, to many body systems. Over the last years, our focus has been extended from analysing ground states, to non-equilibrium states, to studies of energy transport phenomena e.g. in biological systems, a topic beyond our initial scope when the SFB started. Our progress in preparing, manufacturing and coherently manipulating single quantum systems, such as single atoms, ions, molecules or artificial systems such as defect centers, quantum dots and fractional vortices, has resulted in the demonstration of controlled generation of entanglement as well as the implementation of useful quantum algorithms. Both in the field of quantum gases as well as in solid-state physics these advances have culminated in the ability to combine single, well understood units in a controlled way to tailor many-body quantum systems. Due to the trendsetting consolidation of solid state physics with AMO physics within our SFB, we are now asking the same questions in common language. In particular hybrid quantum systems which physically couple mesoscopic solid-state systems and quantum optical systems have seen impressive experimental progress within our SFB and worldwide, and we will extend our activity within this research effort. Our projects on carbon nanotubes or superconducting devices directly coupled to ultracold atoms are a paradigm example of this. To name a few more examples, let us mention the surprising discovery of a very dilute quantum liquid of magnetic atoms, the use of dipolar coupled spin ensembles connected to NV centres for quantum information processing and quantum sensing applications or the study of energy transport processed in biological molecules. Other examples for joint research projects across the borders of atomic and solid state physics are multiwell systems for ultracold gases and Josephson physics in superconductors or charged impurities in quantum gases and in solids or fermionic quantum gases on graphene like lattices and true graphene physics. Finally this trendsetting SFB has stimulated several similar joint research centers both within Germany but also all over the world. In Stuttgart and Ulm one long term result was the foundation of a Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST which devised the proposed Cluster of Excellence “Translational Quantum Science” in the current Excellence Strategy Call.


DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Stuttgart
Co-Applicant Institution Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen; Universität Ulm
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Tilman Pfau