In order to express and maintain their genome, cells use a multitude of macromolecular machines that are built up by multiprotein or RNA-protein complexes. The activities of many of these machines are well coordinated to achieve synergism or to avoid deleterious effects that could lead to cell death or disease.
The aim of the Collaborative Research Centre is to study the interactions between multiprotein complexes that govern essential processes associated with eukaryotic genomes. Such complexes are involved in processes such as transcription of the genome, faithful duplication of the genome followed by segregation of the two genomes, or preservation of the genome by DNA repair. It will be crucial for our understanding of processes in normal and malignant cells to obtain detailed insights into the function and structure but also into the coordination of the underlying multiprotein complexes.
In the past decade, considerable progress was made by identification and functional/structural characterisation of individual protein complexes that carry out processes connected to the expression or maintenance of the genome. These complexes include the transcription key enzyme RNA polymerase II, ribonucleoprotein complexes for RNA transport, components of the mitotic cell division apparatus, and DNA repair enzymes.
With our improved knowledge of these assemblies, we must now try to reach the next level of understanding, which involves the regulation of multiprotein complexes in a cell context-specific manner, and the functional and physical coupling of different protein complexes that results in regulatory networks. Although still in its infancy, this aspect of understanding genome expression and maintenance will certainly flourish over the next 10-15 years and requires the underlying networks at all levels of organisation of cells, from the molecular to the cellular level. Molecular coupling events in these networks ensure the correct transfer of substrates and information between interlinked processes, and allow for coordination and feedback control. The Collaborative Research Centre will therefore focus on the elucidation of the highly complex interplay between genome-associated processes, and work towards an understanding of the underlying regulatory networks .
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Integration of genome-associated processes by the RNA polymerase II-Mediator complex
(Project Head
Cramer, Patrick
A02 - Function and regulation of human Mediator complexes in nuclear networks
(Project Head
Meisterernst, Michael
A03 - Degradation of irreversibly stalled RNA polymerase II
(Project Head
Sträßer, Katja
A04 - Single molecule nano-positioning studies of transcription
(Project Head
Michaelis, Jens
A05 - Coordination of nuclear mRNA maturation and cytoplasmic RNA localization
(Project Head
Jansen, Ralf-Peter
A06 - Signalling in Myogenesis
(Project Head
Rupp, Ralph A. W.
A09 - Structural basis of eukaryotic non-stop mediated mRNA decay and mammalian translation initiation
(Project Heads
Becker, Thomas
Beckmann, Roland
A10 - Integration of mRNA export and transcription elongation
(Project Head
Conti, Elena
A11 - Evolutionary and functional analysis of cis-regulatory sequences
(Project Head
Söding, Johannes
A12 - An RNA-centered view on the journey of ASH1 mRNA from transcription to localization
(Project Head
Niessing, Dierk
A13 - A small RNA response at DNA ends
(Project Head
Förstemann, Klaus
A14 - Detection of condition-specific transcription factor interactions
(Project Head
Tresch, Achim
A16 - Thermodynamic modelling of transcriptional regulation: improving input data and exploring cis-element architecture
(Project Head
Gaul, Ulrike
A17 - A transcriptional regulatory network that controls the apoptotic fate
(Project Head
Conradt, Barbara
B01 - The chemistry of nucleotide excision repair and cellular development
(Project Head
Carell, Thomas
B02 - Structural mechanism of the Swi2/Snf2 ATPases in genome expression and maintenance
(Project Head
Hopfner, Karl-Peter
B04 - Mechanism of homology search during DNA double-strand break repair
(Project Head
Jentsch, Stefan
B05 - Regulation of immunoglobulin gene conversion and hypermutation
(Project Head
Buerstedde, Jean-Marie
B07 - Role of human ORC in preparing origins for pre-replicative complex formation
(Project Head
Schepers, Aloys
B08 - Integration of cortex- and microtubule-associated proteins into the machinery which regulates mitotic spindle positioning
(Project Head
Petritsch, Claudia
B09 - Chromosome segregation: how to preserve genomic integrity during cell division?
(Project Head
Nigg, Erich A.
B10 - Regulation of DNA modifications and their role in controlling gene expression
(Project Head
Leonhardt, Heinrich
B11 - Elucidating the interaction of transcription factors with the TBP:DNA complex using single-molecule methods
(Project Head
Lamb, Don C.
B12 - Cryo-EM structure of heterochromatin protein 1 associated with nucleosomes
(Project Head
Halic, Mario
B13 - Mechanistic insight into genome-maintenance catalysed by the histone chaperone FACT
(Project Head
Ladurner, Ph.D., Andreas Gerhard
Z02 - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 646
(Project Heads
Beckmann, Roland
Cramer, Patrick