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SFB 645:  Regulation and Manipulation of Information Flow within Dynamic Protein and Lipid Environments

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2005 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486231
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

The highly dynamic processes that involve biological membranes and that are largely determined by lipids and proteins are a central aspect for understanding cellular function and its relevance for molecular medicine, pathophysiology, health, and disease. When founded, the main goals of the CRC 645 were to study the complexity and mechanistic aspects of cell membranes and their constituents in the context of cells and model organisms. A further important aim of the initiative was to develop and employ tools for the analysis, quantification, and manipulation of membrane, lipid, and membrane protein function. Key objectives of the original application were to understand 1. "the molecular mechanisms that control the asymmetric distribution of membrane constituents" 2. "the role of lipid metabolizing enzymes in membrane composition and cellular physiology" 3. "the impact of specific lipid components on membrane protein function" 4. "the role of lipid metabolites on cell signaling", and 5. "the generation and application of novel tools (e.g. small molecule inhibitors) for the analysis of membrane function" In a highly interdisciplinary approach the CRC 645 has followed these objectives for the last twelve years, extending and adjusting experimental procedures and thematic emphasis to gain unprecedented insight into the biochemistry, dynamics, composition, maintenance, and many other aspects of lipids, membranes, and membrane constituents. The CRC 645 studied the interplay of these components in diverse model organisms and cellular contexts, and their importance for health and disease. On top of that, a variety of technologies and tools for the study of the regulation of the flow of information in dynamic protein and lipid environments and their manipulation were developed or applied, ranging from biophysical techniques such as advanced microscopy techniques, state-of-the art genomics, proteomics, and lipidomics methods, to chemical tools such as small molecule inhibitors or aptamers for the selective manipulation of lipid, membrane, and membrane-protein function. Taken together, the tools developed by the researchers of the CRC 645 will be useful beyond the CRC and its projects. In the meantime, many researchers worldwide are using them already. Moreover, the CRC 645 has fundamentally impacted on the structures of the University of Bonn and its scientific portfolio: Membrane and lipid research in Bonn has manifested its strong international standing as one of the core disciplines in the life sciences at this university and the non-university research institutions like caesar and the DZNE that participated in the CRC 645. The CRC 645 also has significantly contributed to the successful establishment of the Cluster of Excellence “ImmunoSensation”, at which many of the CRC 645 project leaders participate. The CRC was able to attract to Bonn many renowned or young life-scientists and chemists with high potential, or has helped promoting them to professorships. Several former participants of the CRC 645 have accepted calls from other renowned Universities or Research Institutions. All these facts prove that the scientific advances made by the CRC 645 projects during the three funding periods have contributed considerably to the understanding of membrane dynamics and to the international visibility of German lipid and membrane research, and that even in its aftermath the CRC will likely continue to impact the research landscape in the life and medical sciences in Bonn in a positive and fruitful way.


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  • 2009. Saposin B-dependent reconstitution of arylsulfatase A activity in vitro and in cell culture models of metachromatic leukodystrophy. The Journal of biological chemistry 284:9372–9381
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  • 2009. Schlank, a member of the ceramide synthase family controls growth and body fat in Drosophila. The EMBO journal 28:3706–3716
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  • 2010. Cell-free fusion of bacteria-containing phagosomes with endocytic compartments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107:20726–20731
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  • 2010. Steady-state cross-presentation of OVA is mannose receptor-dependent but inhibitable by collagen fragments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107:E48-9; author reply E50-1
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  • 2011. Ancient ubiquitous protein 1 (AUP1) localizes to lipid droplets and binds the E2 ubiquitin conjugase G2 (Ube2g2) 1via its G2 binding region. The Journal of biological chemistry 286:5599–5606
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  • 2011. Ca2+ induces clustering of membrane proteins in the plasma membrane via electrostatic interactions. The EMBO journal 30:1209–1220
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  • 2011. The CatSper channel mediates progesterone-induced Ca2+ influx in human sperm. Nature 471:382–386
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  • 2012. Ablation of neuronal ceramide synthase 1 in mice decreases ganglioside levels and expression of myelinassociated glycoprotein in oligodendrocytes. The Journal of biological chemistry 287:41888– 41902
    Ginkel C, Hartmann D, Vom Dorp K, Zlomuzica A, Farwanah H, Eckhardt M, Sandhoff R, Degen J, Rabionet M, Dere E, Dormann P, Sandhoff K, Willecke K
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  • 2012. Aptamer-based affinity labeling of proteins. Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 51:9176–9180
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  • 2012. The CatSper channel: A polymodal chemosensor in human sperm. The EMBO journal 31:1654–1665
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  • 2012. Tracing fatty acid metabolism by click chemistry. ACS chemical biology 7:2004–2011
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  • 2013. Inactivation of ceramide synthase 6 in mice results in an altered sphingolipid metabolism and behavioral abnormalities. The Journal of biological chemistry 288:21433–21447
    Ebel P, Vom Dorp K, Petrasch-Parwez E, Zlomuzica A, Kinugawa K, Mariani J, Minich D, Ginkel C, Welcker J, Degen J, Eckhardt M, Dere E, Dormann P, Willecke K
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  • 2014. Acid sphingomyelinase activity is regulated by membrane lipids and facilitates cholesterol transfer by NPC2. Journal of lipid research 55:2606–2619
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  • 2014. Ceramide synthase 4 deficiency in mice causes lipid alterations in sebum and results in alopecia. The Biochemical journal 461:147–158
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  • 2014. Deficiency of sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase impairs lysosomal metabolism of the amyloid precursor protein. The Journal of biological chemistry 289:16761–16772
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  • 2014. Murine Creld1 controls cardiac development through activation of calcineurin/NFATc1 signaling. Developmental cell 28:711–726
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  • 2014. Transcriptome-based network analysis reveals a spectrum model of human macrophage activation. Immunity 40:274–288
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  • 2015. Accumulation of glucosylceramide in the absence of the beta-glucosidase GBA2 alters cytoskeletal dynamics. PLoS genetics 11:e1005063
    Raju D, Schonauer S, Hamzeh H, Flynn KC, Bradke F, Vom Dorp K, Dormann P, Yildiz Y, Trotschel C, Poetsch A, Breiden B, Sandhoff K, Korschen HG, Wachten D
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  • 2015. Functional characterization of enzymes catalyzing ceramide phosphoethanolamine biosynthesis in mice. Journal of lipid research 56:821–835
    Bickert A, Ginkel C, Kol M, Vom Dorp K, Jastrow H, Degen J, Jacobs RL, Vance DE, Winterhager E, Jiang X-C, Dormann P, Somerharju P, Holthuis JCM, Willecke K
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  • 2015. Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate regulate phagolysosome biogenesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112:4636–4641
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  • 2015. The CatSper channel controls chemosensation in sea urchin sperm. The EMBO journal 34:379–392
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  • 2015. The translocon protein Sec61 mediates antigen transport from endosomes in the cytosol for cross-presentation to CD8(+) T cells. Immunity 42:850–863
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  • 2016. Anxiety, Stress, and Fear Response in Mice With Reduced Endocannabinoid Levels. Biological psychiatry 79:858–868
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  • 2016. Ceramide Synthase 5 Is Essential to Maintain C16:0-Ceramide Pools and Contributes to the Development of Diet-induced Obesity. The Journal of biological chemistry 291:6989–7003
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  • 2016. Mannose receptor induces T-cell tolerance via inhibition of CD45 and up-regulation of CTLA-4. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113:10649–10654
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    (See online at
  • 2017. A chronic low dose of ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice. Nat Med
    Bilkei-Gorzo A, Albayram O, Draffehn AM, Michel K, Piyanova A, Oppenheimer H, Dvir- Ginzberg M, Rácz I, Ulas T, Imbeault I, Bab I, Schultze JL & Zimmer A
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  • 2017. Identification of a feedback loop involving beta-glucosidase 2 and its product sphingosine sheds light on the molecular mechanisms in Gaucher disease. The Journal of biological chemistry
    Schonauer S, Korschen HG, Penno A, Rennhack A, Breiden B, Sandhoff K, Gutbrod K, Dormann P, Raju DN, Haberkant P, Gerl MJ, Brugger B, Zigdon H, Vardi A, Futerman AH, Thiele C, Wachten D
    (See online at

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