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TRR 15:  Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems

Subject Area Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2004 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486010
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

The analysis of governance structures and their impact on the efficiency of economic systems has been the focus of the research conducted in the collaborative research center SFB/TR 15. Over the last twelve years we produced hundreds of theoretical, empirical and experimental studies and publications - 35 of which were published in the top five international economic journals. Many of our studies attracted a lot of interest in the scientific community, and some also received considerable attention in the media and in politics. Our research agenda consists of three main parts. In Research Area A we have worked on basic theoretical problems in contract and mechanism design theory, and we have extended this theory in several dimensions. In particular, we developed new models with multi-dimensional type spaces, with limited commitment, and with dynamic principal-agent relationships. We also introduced insights from behavioral economics into contract theory which turned out to be crucial for the understanding of the functioning of incomplete contracts. In Research Area B we studied governance structures in companies. Here, important contributions to the understanding of the financial crisis were made. Furthermore, we developed new regulatory approaches that can be useful to prevent similar crises in the future. These contributions did not only receive a lot of attention in the scientific community but also in the media and in politics. Furthermore, we studied how multinational enterprises react with their governance structures to the challenges of globalization, and how financial constraints affect innovation and growth of firms in developing countries. We also derived important new results on the optimal design of incentive and employment contracts. In Research Area C we studied the governance structure of markets. Here we looked at the interdependencies of individual behavior, market structure and market efficiency. The focus of our analysis was the question of how the technological developments in the information and communication technologies affect the functioning of markets. Our studies on the theory of two-sided markets, on merger control, and on competition policy received a lot of attention. In some studies we introduced experimental methods and behavioral models into the theory of industrial organization. The collaborative research center SFB/TR 15 did not only contribute substantially to the understanding of actual and optimal governance structures, it also significantly increased the international visibility of economic research in Germany. This was achieved not just by the many international publications (in particular those in the top 5 journals), but also through the many conferences and workshops that the SFB (co-)organized, our large visitors program, and the participation of many SFB members at high-profile international conferences. Finally, the collaborative research center SFB/TR 15 made a significant contribution to the training of young scientists. Up to now 75 former young members of the SFB made a successful academic career, among them 20 female scientists. Roughly half of them received a professorship in Germany, the other half is working as professors at foreign universities. Another 32 postdoctoral researchers are still in the “pipeline”.



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