TRR 15:
Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2004 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5486010
Economic development in the last decade of the 20th century is characterised by two phenomena: the revolution in the information and communication technologies and the rapid internationalisation of markets (globalisation).
The impacts of these are studied within three project divisions.
Project Division A "Strategic Interdependence and Design of Institutions" covers the fundamental theoretical part of our research approach. Research focuses on contract and competition structures such as auctions and tournaments that are intensely used, for instance, in electronic commerce.
In Project Division B "Corporate Governance" organisational and decision problems in enterprises and between shareholders and management are investigated.
Research in Project Division C "Market Organisation" asks first which market structures follow from the behaviour of the market participants within the new environments, and second, how the government should help shaping these environments towards increasing the efficiency of allocation decisions.
The core instruments used in the research are game and contract theories as well as mechanism design with applications in industrial, information and institutional economics, but also capital market theory. Empirical analyses will be delivered within controlled experiments, structured case studies and estimates of structural econometric models.
The research topics of the Transregional Collaborative Research Centre are not only in the focus of international attention in the scientific arena. The business and political scenes are also very interested in the research results; for instance in the results of research on auctions, or on the effects of e-commerce on the industrial and regional as well as the international economic structure.
DFG Programme
Completed projects
A01 - Allocation Mechanisms in Organisations and Markets
(Project Heads
Bester, Helmut
Tröger, Thomas
A02 - Conflict inside Organizations and Governance Problems
(Project Head
Konrad, Kai A.
A03 - Auctions and Market Design in Complex Environments
(Project Head
Moldovanu, Benny
A04 - Incomplete Contracts, Social Comparisons and Market Interaction
(Project Head
Schmidt, Klaus
A05 - Incomplete Contracts and the Design of Residual Rights
(Project Heads
Krähmer, Daniel
Schweizer, Urs
A06 - Typen-Vielfalt, Loyalität und die Bildung von Handelsnetzwerken
(Project Head
Shaked, Avner
A07 - Auctions, Mechanism Design and Competition
(Project Heads
Strausz, Roland
Wolfstetter, Elmar
A08 - Strategic Production and Transmission of Information
(Project Head
Rady, Sven
A09 - Symbolic Values and the Governance of Institutions
(Project Head
Corneo, Giacomo
A10 - Multi-dimensional Mechanism Design, Delegation, and Communication
(Project Head
Szalay, Dezsö
B02 - Wagniskapitalfinanzierte Unternehmen in Deutschland - Finanzierungskontrakte, Organisationsstrukturen und Eigentumsrechte
(Project Heads
Harhoff, Dietmar
Rudolph, Bernd
B03 - Corporate Control, Corporate Finance, and Efficiency
(Project Head
Hellwig, Ph.D., Martin
B04 - The Design of Tournaments within the Scope of Corporate Governance
(Project Head
Kräkel, Matthias
B05 - Globalization, Firm Organization and Endogenous Market Structure
(Project Heads
Eckel, Carsten
Schnitzer, Monika
B06 - The Cyclicality of Mergers and Acquisitions
(Project Head
Maug, Ernst
B07 - Globalization and the Rise of Executive Pay
(Project Head
Marin, Dalia
B08 - Reputation in the Certification Market
(Project Head
Adam, Tim
C01 - Bankenregulierung, Credit Crunch und Prozyklizität
(Project Head
Bühler, Wolfgang
C02 - Intellectual Property, Appropriation of Innovation Rents and Competition
(Project Heads
Harhoff, Dietmar
Peitz, Martin
C03 - Innovationen in Informationstechnologien und Regulierung von Finanzmärkten
(Project Heads
Illing, Gerhard
Rees, Ray
C04 - Experimentelle Analyse von rationalen und beschränkt rationalen Theorien des Marktverhaltens
(Project Head
Oechssler, Jörg
C05 - Competition policy as governance of competition processes
(Project Head
Nocke, Volker
C06 - Communication and Transportation Technologies, Industrial and Regional Structure
(Project Heads
Peitz, Martin
Stahl, Konrad Otto
C07 - Organisation des Wertpapierhandels
(Project Heads
Nöldeke, Georg
Theissen, Erik
C08 - The Implications of Behavioral Economics for Markets and Organisations
(Project Head
Falk, Armin
C09 - Stability, Competition, and Liquidity in Financial Markets
(Project Heads
Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp
von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig
Z - Zentrale Aufgaben des SFB/Transregio
(Project Head
Schmidt, Klaus