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SFB 638:  Dynamics of Macromolecular Complexes in Biosynthetic Transport

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2004 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5485988
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

A living cell exists of protein- and nuclear acid building blocks, as well as of membranes to define the cell border protecting from its exterior and defining compartments in its interior. Many of these building blocks assemble to higher ordered structures in order to form molecular machines. A functional cell then could be defined by the formation of compartments and molecular machines that is controlled with regard to time and space.On our journey to learn about functions of macromolecular assemblies in a cell by studying the dynamics of such complexes employed in steps of intracellular transport, we have made quite some progress. Our focus was on the analysis of mechanisms in transport between nucleus and cytoplasm (Part B) and on biosynthetic transport from the ribosome to the endomembrane system (part A). To this end we capitalized on the ample know how available within Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences and specifically combined basic molecular research on viral functions with biophysical, biochemical, molecular biological and structural approaches in eukaryotic cells. Whereas at the outset our knowledge of individual building blocks as part of transport machinery was quite complete, only limited information was available as to more sophisticated assemblies of such building blocks and their dynamics, i.e. their functional interplay. In this summary two examples are given of how analyzing structures of higher assemblies combined with biochemical approaches led to novel and original insight. Most of the ca. 30 individual components of the nuclear pore were already categorized at the onset of this CRC, but their interactions and assembly into higher order complexes were poorly understood. Within the SFB, not only was the better part of the nuclear pore reconstituted from many of its individual protein components as a basis to understand its structure, but in addition unexpected functional interactions were defined that led to novel concepts of RNA transport and ribosome biogenesis. Likewise, novel concepts were reached based on studies of the mechanism of action of ribosome-associated chaperons in co-translational folding and transport of proteins. Trigger factor (TF) is the first chaperon to interact with the nascent protein chain in bacteria. TF binds and stabilizes partial protein folds while distant interactions are prevented. Ribosome proximity and TF binding limit conformational sampling of nascent chains, suggesting TF can avoid early misfolding or rescue misfolded protein species generated co-translationally. The TF interactome was assessed by ribosome profiling and revealed that most of the nascent polypeptides are clients of TF, but only after they reached about 100 aa residues. This allows enzymatic processing of nascent chains by the essential ribosome interacting enzymes peptide deformylase and methionine aminopeptidase. From studies on maturation of a hetero-dimeric model protein it was observed that assembly of its subunits occurs close to the site of synthesis, involving co-translational interactions of nascent subunits. As a novel concept a role was attributed to TF in delaying the onset of co-translational interactions until the subunit dimer interface is fully exposed on the ribosomal surface. Studying dynamics of macromolecular assemblies being in the focus of each single project has solicited a continuous mutual interest, and consequently many lively and fruitful discussions and collaborations, including intense and uninhibited exchange of materials and methods. Here, I would like to stress that the second part of our research period happened to coincide with the extreme progress of structural elucidation by cryo electron microscopy, and that inclusion of and collaboration with cryo-EM groups has proven extraordinarily useful for our scientific progress.


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