TRR 8: Spatial Cognition - Reasoning, Action, Interaction
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Final Report Abstract
Space and time are ubiquitous wherever and whenever humans, animals, or other cognitive agents such as autonomous robots perceive their environments, make sense of their perceptions, and take actions. Over the past twelve years, the SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition at the Universities of Bremen and Freiburg investigated properties of space and time from a cognitive perspective, i.e. from an information processing point of view: what are the specific requirements of reasoning about space and time, for acting in space, and for communicating and otherwise interacting in spatio-temporal domains. The investigation of information processing aspects of space and time leads to the question in which ways and to what extent the pertinent structures of space impede or support cognitive processing and intelligent decision-making: on one hand, these structures are quite specific and may bias more general cognitive abilities such as abstract thinking; on the other hand, spatio-temporal information processing structures may be perfectly aligned with the spatial and temporal structures that cognitive agents are immersed in; thus spatial cognition may perfectly support cognitive agents in what they need to do. In the SFB/TR 8 spatial cognition has been studied in a variety of ways: empirical cognitive psychology and cognitive systems research investigates spatial abilities of humans and autonomous robots such as spatial orientation and wayfinding; this research explores what kind of cognitive resources (perception, memory, reasoning, communication, action) are employed to perform on spatial tasks. Spatial cognition also has been studied on the theoretical level of logics and mathematics: which kinds of information are required to solve certain spatial tasks and what is the computational complexity of solving spatial tasks in certain knowledge representation structures? Spatial cognition also has been studied on the level of technical construction in artificial intelligence: based on the theories of spatial cognition we can build artifacts that implement exactly those aspects of perception, memory, information processing, communication, and action that are hypothesized to be responsible for intelligent processing of spatial information; these implemented models can be empirically tested, and their information processing properties and behavior can be compared with their natural role models. A special feature of the synthetic constructive approach is that we can build virtual worlds that violate certain spatial structures of physical spatial worlds; this allows for testing theories about processing spatial information in ways in which they cannot be tested by conventional methods in physical space. Furthermore, we must critically scrutinize the objectives of spatial cognition: what is the set of tasks or other occupations that are pursued by a cognitive system? This kind of question has been investigated by looking at specific application domains like communication about space (cognitive linguistics), making maps that effectively and efficiently permit wayfinding (cognitive geography), constructing physical spaces that serve specific functions (cognitive architecture). This allows us to measure cognitive performance with respect to well-defined goals. An interesting philosophical question that results from the work in the SFB/TR 8 is the question whether high-performance spatial cognition can be carried out by powerful general-purpose computers that are not restricted to processing information about space or whether computers must – like brains – be augmented by spatial systems such as physical bodies, spatial sensors, and spatial environments which do not only describe and simulate the structures of space but which intrinsically have spatio-temporal properties themselves. Complexity-theoretical results of spatial cognition indicate that certain crucial operations are computationally intractable in present-day representations of space; this suggests that either we cannot expect general-purpose systems to solve certain spatial tasks or certain spatial structures are crucial for tractability. While working on all the above research issues, the SFB/TR 8 answered important questions of spatial cognition. On top of this, important new research questions were identified that need to be addressed in the future.
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