TRR 6:
Physik von kolloidalen Dispersionen in äußeren Feldern
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2002 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5485412
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Shearbanding and microstructure of colloids in shear flow, Faraday Discussion 123, 157 (2003)
J. K. G. Dhont, M. Lettinga, Z. Dogic, T. A. J. Lenstra, H. Wang, S. Rathgeber, P. Carletto, L. Willner, H. Frielinghaus, P. Linder
Direct visual observation of thermal capillary waves, Science 304, 847-850 (2004)
D. G. A. L. Aarts, M. Schmidt, and H. N. W. Lekkerkerker
Harmonic lattice behavior of two-dimensional colloidal crystals, Phys. Rev. Letters 92, 215504 (2004)
P. Keim, G. Maret, U. Herz, and H. H. von Grünberg
Single-file diffusion of colloids in onedimensional channels, Phys. Rev. Letters 93, 026001 (2004)
C. Lutz, M. Kollmann, and C. Bechinger
Colloidal hard-sphere crystal growth frustrated by large spherical impurities, Science 309, 1231 (2005)
V. W. A. de Villeneuve, R. P. A. Dullens, D. G. A. L. Aarts, E. Groeneveld, J. H. Scherff, W. K. Kegel, and H. N. W. Lekkerkerker
Ionic colloidal crystals of oppositely charged particles, Nature 437, 235 (2005)
M.E. Leunissen, C.G. Christova, A.-P. Hynninen, C.P. Royall, A.I. Campbell, A. Imhof, M. Dijkstra, R. van Roij, and A. van Blaaderen
Critical behavior of colloid-polymer mixtures in random porous media, Phys. Rev. Letters 97, 230603 (2006)
R. L. C. Vink, K. Binder, and H. Löwen
Isotropic-Nematic Interface and Wetting in Suspensions of Colloidal Platelets, Phys. Rev. Letters 97, 087801 (2006)
D. van der Beek, H. Reich, P. van der Schoot, M. Dijkstra, T. Schilling, R. Vink, M. Schmidt, R. van Roij, and H. Lekkerkerker
Layer Reduction in Driven 2D-Colloidal Systems through Microchannels, Phys. Rev. Letters 97, 208302 (2006)
M. Köppl, P. Henseler, A. Erbe, P. Nielaba, and P. Leiderer
Suppression of thermally excited capillary waves by shear flow, Rhys. Rev. Letters 97, 038301 (2006)
D. Derks, D. G. A. L. Aarts, D. Bonn, H. N. W. Lekkerkerker, and A. Imhof
Depletion-induced percolation in networks of nanorods, Phys. Rev. Letters 98, 108303 (2007)
T. Schilling, S. Jungblut, and M. A. Miller
Electrophoresis of colloidal dispersions in the low-salt regime, Phys. Rev. Letters 98, 176105 (2007)
V. Lobaskin, B. D¨unweg, M. Medebach, T. Palberg, and C. Holm
Ordering of two-dimensional crystals confined in stripes of finite width, Phys. Rev. E 75, 011405 (2007)
A. Ricci, P. Nielaba, S. Sengupta, and K. Binder
Self-assembly route for photonic crystals with a bandgap in the visible region, Nature Materials 6, 202 (2007)
A.-P. Hynninen, J. H. J. Thijssen, E. C. M. Vermolen, M. Dijkstra, and A. van Blaaderen
Asymmetric caging in soft colloidal mixtures, Nature Materials 7, 780 (2008)
C. Mayer, E. Zaccarelli, E. Stiakakis, C. N. Likos, F. Sciortino, A. Munam, M. Gauthier, N. Hadjichristidis, H. Iatrou, P. Tartaglia, H. Löwen, and D. Vlassopoulos
Attractive colloidal rods in shear flow, Phys. Rev. Letters 101, 168302 (2008)
M. Ripoll, P. Holmqvist, R. G. Winkler, G. Gompper, J. K. G. Dhont, and M. P. Lettinga
First-principles constitutive equation for suspension rheology, Phys. Rev. Letters 101, 138301 (2008)
J. M. Brader, M. E. Cates, and M. Fuchs
From equilibrium to steady state: the transient dynamics of colloidal liquids under shear, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 20, 404210 (2008)
J. Zausch, J. Horbach, M. Laurati, S. U. Egelhaaf, J. M. Brader, T. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs
Direct observation of hydrodynamic instabilities in a driven nonuniform colloidal dispersion, Soft Matter 5, 1340 (2009)
A. Wysocki, C. P. Royall, R. Winkler, G. Gompper, H. Tanaka, A. van Blaaderen, and H. Löwen
Experimental realization of biaxial liquid crystal phases in colloidal dispersions of boardlike particles, Phys. Rev. Letters 103, 258301 (2009)
E. van den Pol, A. V. Petukhov, D. M. E. Thies-Weesie, D. V. Byelov, and G. J. Vroege
Glass rheology: From mode-coupling theory to a dynamical yield criterion, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 15186 (2009)
J. M. Brader, T. Voigtmann, M. Fuchs, R. G. Larson, and M. E. Cates
Ultra-fast quenching of binary colloidal suspensions in an external magnetic field, Phys. Rev. Letters 102, 238301 (2009)
L. Assoud, F. Ebert, P. Keim, R. Messina, G. Maret, and H. Löwen
Glass transition in confined geometry, Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 125701 (2010)
S. Lang, V. Botan, M. Oettel, D. Hajnal, T. Franosch, and R. Schilling
Rounding of Phase Transitions in Cylindrical Pores, Phys. Rev. Letters 105, 045701 (2010)
D. Wilms, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, and K. Binder
Dynamics of dilute colloidal suspensions in modulated potentials, Soft Matter 7, 2064 (2011)
C. Dalle-Ferrier, M. Kr¨uger, R. D. L. Hanes, S. Walta, M. C. Jenkins, and S. U. Egelhaaf
Lane formation in driven mixtures of oppositely charged colloids, Soft Matter 7, 2352 (2011)
T. Vissers, A. Wysocki, M. Rex, H. L¨owen, C. P. Royall, A. Imhof, and A. van Blaaderen
Nonequilibrium forces between dragged ultrasoft colloids, Phys. Rev. Letters 107, 158301 (2011)
S. P. Singh, R. G. Winkler, and G. Gompper
Schematic models for active nonlinear microrheology, Soft Matter 7, 1390 (2011)
M. V. Gnann, I. Gazuz, A. M. Puertas, M. Fuchs, and T. Voigtmann
Shock Waves in Capillary Collapse of Colloids: A Model System for Two-Dimensional Screened Newtonian Gravity, Phys. Rev. Letters 107, 128302 (2011)
J. Bleibel, S. Dietrich, A. Dominguez, and M. Oettel
Ultrasoft colloid-polymer mixtures: Structure and phase diagram, Phys. Rev. Letters 106, 228301 (2011)
B. Lonetti, M. Camargo, J. Stellbrink, C. N. Likos, E. Zaccarelli, L. Willner, P. Lindner and D. Richter
Active non-linear rheology in a glass-forming Yukawa fluid, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 028303 (2012)
D. Winter, J. Horbach, P. Virnau, K. Binder
Candle soot as a template for a transparent robust superamphiphobic coating, Science 335, 67 (2012)
X. Deng, L. Mammen, H.-J. Butt, and D. Vollmer
Colloidal crystallization in the quasi-two-dimensional induced by electrolyte gradients, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 164505 (2012)
A. Reinmüller, E. C. Oguz, R. Messina, H. Löwen, H. J. Schöpe, and T. Palberg
Electro-kinetics of charged-sphere suspensions explored by integral low-angle superheterodyne laser Doppler velocimetry, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 24, 464109 (2012)
T. Palberg, T. K¨oller, B. Sieber, H. Schweinfurth, H. Reiber and G. Nägele
Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 109, 14308 (2012)
H. H. Wensink, J. Dunkel, S. Heidenreich, K. Drescher, R. E. Goldstein, H. L¨owen, and J. M. Yeomans
Non-monotonic crossover from single-file to regular diffusion in microchannels, Scientific Reports 2, 1015 (2012)
U. Siems, C. Kreuter, A. Erbe, N. Schwierz, S. Sengupta, P. Leiderer, and P. Nielaba
Separation of chiral particles in micro- or nanofluidic channels, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 214504 (2012)
S. Meinhardt, J. Smiatek, R. Eichhorn, and F. Schmid
Structure and dynamics of loosely cross-linked ionic microgel dispersions in the fluid regime, Phys. Rev. Letters 109, 048302 (2012)
P. Holmqvist, P.S. Mohanty, G. Nägele, P. Schurtenberger and M. Heinen
Yielding of hard-sphere glasses during start-up shear, Phys. Rev. Letters 108, 098303 (2012)
N. Koumakis, M. Laurati, S. U. Egelhaaf, J. F. Brady, and G. Petekidis
Self-organized cooperative swimming at low Reynolds numbers, Langmuir 29, 1738 (2013)
A. Reinmüller, H. J. Schöpe, and T. Palberg
Internationaler Bezug
Abgeschlossene Projekte
A01 - Mixtures of Particles with Complex Architecture in Shear Flow
Dhont, Jan Karel George
Lettinga, Minne Paul
A02 - "Tunable" Model Systems for Soft Colloids
Richter, Dieter
Stellbrink, Jörg
Willner, Lutz
A04 - Colloidal Soft Matter under Shear Flow
Gompper, Gerhard
Winkler, Roland G.
A05 - Computer Simulations of Structure, Dynamics, and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Fluids in Confined Geometry and under Shear
Binder, Kurt
Horbach, Jürgen
Virnau, Peter
A06 - Time-Dependent Flow in Arrested States
Brader, Ph.D., Joseph M.
Egelhaaf, Stefan U.
Fuchs, Matthias
A07 - Force-Driven Micro- and Macro-Rheology
Fuchs, Matthias
Voigtmann, Thomas
B01 - Structure and Transport Properties of Charged Sphere Suspensions in Electric Fields
Palberg, Thomas
B02 - Electrokinetic Properties of Charged Colloids in External Fields
Nägele, Gerhard
B3 - Time-Dependent Mean-Field Theory: The Dynamics of Charged Colloids
von Grünberg, Hans Hennig
Klein, Rudolf
B04 - Computer simulation of electrokinetics in colloidal systems
Dünweg, Burkhard
B07 - Colloids in crossed electric and magnetic fields
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Butt, Hans-Jürgen
Schmidt, Annette M.
Vollmer, Doris
B08 - Phase Transitions of Confined Nanorods in Electric Fields
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
van Blaaderen, Alfons
Dijkstra, Marjolein
Imhof, Arnout
van Roij, René
Vanmaekelbergh, Daniel
B09 - Computer simulations of charged colloids in alternating electric fields
Schmid, Friederike
C01 - Dynamics of autonomous swimmers in confinement
Erbe, Artur Philipp Nikolaus
Leiderer, Paul
C02 - Two-dimensional colloidal systems in anisotropic magnetic fields or in light fields
Keim, Peter
Maret, Georg
C03 - Phase Transitions of Two-Dimensional Paramagnetic Colloids in Extrernal Fields
Likos, Christos N.
Löwen, Hartmut
C04 - Effect of modulated boundaries on structure formation near the liquid-solid transition in equilibrium and under shear
Binder, Kurt
Maret, Georg
Nielaba, Peter
C5 - Hydrodynamically Coupled Colloidal Motors
Gisler, Thomas
Maret, Georg
Stark, Holger
C07 - Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions in Modulated Light Fields
Egelhaaf, Stefan U.
D01 - Confined colloidal crystals in and out of equilibrium
Löwen, Hartmut
Messina, René
Palberg, Thomas
Schöpe, Hans Joachim
D03 - Differently shaped hard body colloids in confinement: from walls to porous media
Löwen, Hartmut
Wensink, Henricus H.
D05 - Mixtures of Rod-like and Spherical Colloids under Confinement: Phase Transition Kinetics
(Teilprojektleiterinnen / Teilprojektleiter
Binder, Kurt
Schilling, Tanja
D06 - Structure formation in columnar mineral liquid crystals in confinement
Lekkerkerker, Henk N.W.
Petoukhov, Andrei
Vroege, Gert Jan
N01 - Colloids at Fluid interfaces
Oettel, Martin
Z01 - Administration of the SFB/TR 6
Löwen, Hartmut