The collaborative research centre/Transregio 6 deals with the physics of colloidal dispersions, which are solutions or suspensions of mesoscopic solid particles with typical sizes ranging from 1 nm to 1 µm with a stable (i.e. non-fluctuating) core embedded in a molecular solvent. Among the various soft matter systems, colloidal dispersions play a prominent role because they can be both prepared and characterized in a controlled way. The effective interaction between the colloidal particles can be tailored. Moreover, colloidal suspensions can be regarded as the simplest prototype of soft matter. Exiting questions concern collective many-body effects induced by cooperation and self-organization of many particles. A striking advantage of colloidal dispersions lies in fact that these questions can be studied simultaneously by using three different complementary methods, namely experiment, computer simulation, and theory. In the Transregio, the structural and dynamical behaviour of colloidal dispersions in various external fields (electric, magnetic, laser optical, shear, confinement) will be explored both in equilibrium and in non-equilibrium.
This Transregio is the first "collaborative research centre" in which Dutch institutes participate.
DFG Programme
International Connection
Completed projects
A01 - Mixtures of Particles with Complex Architecture in Shear Flow
(Project Heads
Dhont, Jan Karel George
Lettinga, Minne Paul
A02 - "Tunable" Model Systems for Soft Colloids
(Project Heads
Richter, Dieter
Stellbrink, Jörg
Willner, Lutz
A04 - Colloidal Soft Matter under Shear Flow
(Project Heads
Gompper, Gerhard
Winkler, Roland G.
A05 - Computer Simulations of Structure, Dynamics, and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Fluids in Confined Geometry and under Shear
(Project Heads
Binder, Kurt
Horbach, Jürgen
Virnau, Peter
A06 - Time-Dependent Flow in Arrested States
(Project Heads
Brader, Ph.D., Joseph M.
Egelhaaf, Stefan U.
Fuchs, Matthias
A07 - Force-Driven Micro- and Macro-Rheology
(Project Heads
Fuchs, Matthias
Voigtmann, Thomas
B01 - Structure and Transport Properties of Charged Sphere Suspensions in Electric Fields
(Project Head
Palberg, Thomas
B02 - Electrokinetic Properties of Charged Colloids in External Fields
(Project Head
Nägele, Gerhard
B3 - Time-Dependent Mean-Field Theory: The Dynamics of Charged Colloids
(Project Heads
von Grünberg, Hans Hennig
Klein, Rudolf
B04 - Computer simulation of electrokinetics in colloidal systems
(Project Head
Dünweg, Burkhard
B07 - Colloids in crossed electric and magnetic fields
(Project Heads
Butt, Hans-Jürgen
Schmidt, Annette M.
Vollmer, Doris
B08 - Phase Transitions of Confined Nanorods in Electric Fields
(Project Heads
van Blaaderen, Alfons
Dijkstra, Marjolein
Imhof, Arnout
van Roij, René
Vanmaekelbergh, Daniel
B09 - Computer simulations of charged colloids in alternating electric fields
(Project Head
Schmid, Friederike
C01 - Dynamics of autonomous swimmers in confinement
(Project Heads
Erbe, Artur Philipp Nikolaus
Leiderer, Paul
C02 - Two-dimensional colloidal systems in anisotropic magnetic fields or in light fields
(Project Heads
Keim, Peter
Maret, Georg
C03 - Phase Transitions of Two-Dimensional Paramagnetic Colloids in Extrernal Fields
(Project Heads
Likos, Christos N.
Löwen, Hartmut
C04 - Effect of modulated boundaries on structure formation near the liquid-solid transition in equilibrium and under shear
(Project Heads
Binder, Kurt
Maret, Georg
Nielaba, Peter
C5 - Hydrodynamically Coupled Colloidal Motors
(Project Heads
Gisler, Thomas
Maret, Georg
Stark, Holger
C07 - Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions in Modulated Light Fields
(Project Head
Egelhaaf, Stefan U.
D01 - Confined colloidal crystals in and out of equilibrium
(Project Heads
Löwen, Hartmut
Messina, René
Palberg, Thomas
Schöpe, Hans Joachim
D03 - Differently shaped hard body colloids in confinement: from walls to porous media
(Project Heads
Löwen, Hartmut
Wensink, Henricus H.
D05 - Mixtures of Rod-like and Spherical Colloids under Confinement: Phase Transition Kinetics
(Project Heads
Binder, Kurt
Schilling, Tanja
D06 - Structure formation in columnar mineral liquid crystals in confinement
(Project Heads
Lekkerkerker, Henk N.W.
Petoukhov, Andrei
Vroege, Gert Jan
N01 - Colloids at Fluid interfaces
(Project Head
Oettel, Martin
Z01 - Administration of the SFB/TR 6
(Project Head
Löwen, Hartmut