The area of research of the collaborative research centre 608 is "complex transition metal compounds" in which strong correlations within partially filled internal shells are essential for the physics of the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom. Ordering of these degrees of freedom, their fluctuations, mutual interactions and coupling to the lattice lead to a rich variety of phenomena. In addition, disorder plays an important role. The research addresses basic questions in complex many body systems, in particular the role of electron-electron interactions and the interplay between electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in solids. Research topics are: charge ordering; orbital ordering and orbital fluctuations; quantum spin systems with unconventional ground states or excitations; anomalous metallic states and non-Fermi-liquid behaviour; unconventional superconductors. These topics are studied with a broad spectrum of experimental and theoretical methods from solid state physics, crystallography, and inorganic chemistry, as well as thin film techniques.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Completed projects
A01 - Model systems and new materials: crystal growth, characterisation and structural determination
(Project Heads
Becker-Bohatý, Petra
Bohatý, Ladislav
Braden, Markus
Lorenz, Thomas
A02 - Halides of outer and inner transition metals / Complex oxides of 3d-transition metals
(Project Heads
Meyer, Gerd
Möller, Angela
A04 - Design of new materials and new material properties by ultra thin films and multi-layer systems
(Project Heads
Michely, Thomas Werner
Tjeng, Liu Hao
B01 - Electrical and thermal transport in complex transition metal compounds
(Project Heads
Abd-Elmeguid, Mohsen
Lorenz, Thomas
Sologubenko, Alexandr
B2 - Hochdruckuntersuchungen
(Project Heads
Abd-Elmeguid, Mohsen
Micklitz, Hans
B03 - Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of complex transition metal compounds
(Project Heads
Hemberger, Joachim
Lorenz, Thomas
C01 - Optical spectroscopy on strongly correlated transition-metal oxides
(Project Heads
Grüninger, Markus
Hemberger, Joachim
C02 - Neutron scattering on phonons and magnetic excitations in correlated materials
(Project Head
Braden, Markus
C03 - Electron spectroscopy on strongly correlated solid state systems, thin films and surfaces
(Project Heads
Busse, Carsten
Hu, Zhiwei
Michely, Thomas Werner
Tjeng, Liu Hao
C04 - Anomalous scattering of soft x-rays: Spectroscopically-resolved structure studies
(Project Heads
Braden, Markus
Schüßler-Langeheine, Christian
Tjeng, Liu Hao
C05 - Nonlinear optics of magnetoelectric correlations in multiferroics
(Project Heads
Fiebig, Manfred
Lottermoser, Thomas
D01 - Theorie orbitaler, magnetischer und phononischer Freiheitsgrade in Übergangsmetalloxidsystemen
(Project Heads
Müller-Hartmann, Erwin
Uhrig, Götz S.
D02 - Numerische Untersuchungen dynamischer und thermodynamischer Eigenschaften stark korrelierter Systeme
(Project Heads
Löw, Ute
Schadschneider, Andreas
Uhrig, Götz S.
D03 - Analytische Untersuchungen von Quantenspin- und Fermionensystemen
(Project Heads
Rosch, Achim
Schadschneider, Andreas
Zittartz, Johannes
D04 - Disorder and quantum fluctuations in effective field theories for highly correlated materials
(Project Head
Nattermann, Thomas
D5 - Nichtgleichgewichtseffekte in stark korrelierten Systemen
(Project Head
Monien, Hartmut
D07 - Heat, charge and spin transport in spin systems and almost magnetic materials
(Project Heads
Rosch, Achim
Vojta, Matthias
D08 - Inhomogenitäten in stark korrelierten Elektronensystemen
(Project Head
Kroha, Johann
D09 - Ab-initio and model calculations of the electronic structure of strongly correlated oxides
(Project Heads
Bulla, Ralf
Tjeng, Liu Hao
D10 - Quantum criticality and geometric frustration in strongly correlated systems
(Project Head
Vojta, Matthias
D11 - Charge, spin, and orbital degrees of freedom in transition metal compounds: Strong correlations and competing phases
(Project Heads
Rosch, Achim
Vojta, Matthias
D12 - Quantum impurities in correlated metals and insulators
(Project Heads
Bulla, Ralf
Kroha, Johann
Vojta, Matthias
D13 - Heterostructures, surfaces and domain walls in correlated systems
(Project Heads
Kroha, Johann
Rosch, Achim
S - Central Administration
(Project Heads
Freimuth, Axel
Rosch, Achim
Tjeng, Liu Hao