TFB 27:  Hochdynamische Strahlführungs- und Strahlformungskomponenten für die Materialbearbeitung mit Co2-Lasern

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Term from 2001 to 2003
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5484388

Project Description

In highly dynamic materials processing, especially in cutting and welding of thin metal sheets, the application of laser techniques was restricted in the past, although lasers delivering the laser power and quality required for high speed processes were available. Besides limited acceleration of driving systems, the weight and stability of the components in motion were the reason for these restrictions. New concepts are necessary to create both a light-weight laser head with its components and new machine components on the basis of closed cinematic chains with fast drive devices. The know-how for the development of such systems in a modular and configurable set-up was elaborated in the collaborative research centre 349 at the University of Stuttgart.On this basis, light-weight components for beam forming and diagnostics, for process control, and for the delivering of process gases have to be designed and integrated into the light-weight structure of the new laser head. The high requirements concerning the drive devices such as a travel speed of 300 m/min and an acceleration in the path of 4 g are only met by a consequent application of the results of the SFB 349 by a) machine kinematics in a hybrid manner (parallel, serial), b) drive modules with a light-weight structure and c) linear direct drives as a stiff module.After finishing the theoretical and experimental investigations in the first year of research-work a demonstrator will be built and tested in industry.
DFG Programme CRC/Transfer Units

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Stuttgart
Spokesperson Professor Dr.-Ing. Helmut Hügel