In heterogeneous catalysis the conversion of the reactants is effected by adsorption, surface reaction and desorption. In this collaborative research centre the influence of the interface oxide/metal for oxide-supported metal catalysts shall be investigated systematically with respect to catalytic activity and selectivity.
The collaborative research centre is divided into three research areas. Starting point of the investigations will be a heterogeneous catalyst, which is studied and characterized under real conditions using spectroscopic methods (research area A). In order to get the necessary information to formulate a microscopic model there are two other research areas: in area B metal support systems shall be prepared using special synthetical methods, whereas in area C metal clusters shall be deposited on well-defined solid surfaces, which are characterized concerning the chemical activity. The necessary theoretical basis shall be created in subprojects in the field of quantum mechanics, which belong to the research areas B and C depending on the topic.
Another field of work of this collaborative research centre is the investigation of reactions of oxide-supported metal catalysts included in microporous matrices eg. zeolites.
Main focus of the first period of financial support ending in the middle of 2003 is the system copper on zinc oxide, which is used in methanol synthesis.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Investigations on the impact of metal-substrate interactions on the oxidation of short-chain alcohols
(Project Heads
Muhler, Martin
van Veen, Andréa
A02 - Alternative catalysts for the synthesis of methanol and the selective oxidation of short chain alcohols
(Project Heads
Löffler, Elke
Muhler, Martin
A03 - Investigation of Cu-Zn interactions in methanol synthesis catalysts using matrixconfined model catalysts
(Project Head
Grünert, Wolfgang
A04 - Transmission electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy of real catalysts
(Project Heads
Birkner, Alexander
Muhler, Martin
Wöll, Christof
A5 - Charatkerisierung von katalytisch relevanten Pulverproben und Zeolithen mittels Röntgenemissionsspektroskopie
(Project Head
Wöll, Christof
B01 - Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks as Support Matrices for Metal/Metaloxide Nanoparticles
(Project Head
Fischer, Roland A.
B2 - Kupferkatalysatoren mit starken Metall-Substrat-Wechselwirkungen
(Project Head
Schüth, Ferdi
B03 - Metall-Träger-Katalysatoren als Gäste in mesoporösen Matrizen: Präparation und Grundcharakterisierung der Modellsysteme
(Project Head
Gies, Hermann
B4 - Molekulare Modelle für das Metalloxid-Trägersystem auf der Basis von neuen Polyoxometallaten
(Project Heads
Drieß, Matthias
Merz, Klaus
B07 - Herstellung von strukturierten Trägerkatalysatoren durch Thermolyse von komplexen Metallcyaniden
(Project Head
Epple, Matthias
B08 - Interaction between gold and support material in gold catalysts for the oxidation of CO and alcohols
(Project Head
Schüth, Ferdi
B9 - Legierungs-Nanopartikel an Grenzflächen anorganischer, mesoporöser Festkörper
(Project Head
Polarz, Sebastian
B10 - Cu-based colloids as catalysts for methanol synthesis
(Project Head
Schüth, Ferdi
B11 - Nanoparticles for Catalysis from Ionic Liquids
(Project Head
Mudring, Anja-Verena
B12 - Supramolecular ZnOH-aggregates and peroxo-rich TiO complexes - A molecular access to catalysts and to elementary steps on surfaces
(Project Heads
Merz, Klaus
Muhler, Martin
B13 - Theoretical investigation of porous metal organic frameworks as substrates for heterogeneously catalysed processes
(Project Head
Schmid, Rochus
C1 - Quantenchemische Rechnungen für spektroskopische Eigenschaften von Adsorbaten auf oxidischen Trägern
(Project Head
Staemmler, Volker
C2 - Ab inition Rechnungen zur Adsorption an den polaren (0001)- und (000-1)-Oberflächen von ZnO und Charakterisierung von Eisenoxid-Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Fink, Karin
Staemmler, Volker
C5 - Wachstum und Struktur von Oxidschichten sowie von Metallclustern auf oxidischen Substraten
(Project Head
Zabel, Hartmut
C06 - MD Simulation of Methanol Synthesis and Methanol Oxidation
(Project Head
Marx, Dominik
C07 - Ordnung und Reaktivität von Adsorbaten auf Oxid-Einkristalloberflächen: Untersuchungen mit Heliumatomstrahlstreuung und Photoelektronenspektroskopie
(Project Heads
Traeger, Franziska
Wöll, Christof
C08 - STM- und HREELS-Untersuchungen der Wechselwirkung von Adsorbaten mit Metallclustern auf oxidischer Unterlage
(Project Head
Köhler, Ulrich
C09 - Vibrational Spectroscopy on Metal/Metal-Oxide Systems
(Project Heads
Muhler, Martin
Wang, Yuemin
Wöll, Christof
C10 - Berechnung von STM-Abbildungen und Untersuchung der Struktur-Aktivitätsbeziehung der CO2-Hydrierung auf Cu/ZnO
(Project Head
Meyer, Bernd
C11 - Quantum chemical characterisation of adsorbates and defects on oxid surfaces
(Project Head
Hättig, Christof
C12 - Structural and Dynamical Properties of Metal Clusters at Oxide Surfaces
(Project Head
Behler, Jörg
C13 - STM studies of the interaction of adsorbates with metallic clusters on oxide supports
(Project Head
Köhler, Ulrich
MGK - Pysical and Chemical Processes on Oxide Surfaces: From Experiment to Theory
(Project Heads
Muhler, Martin
Wöll, Christof
S - Central Administration
(Project Head
Wöll, Christof
T1 - CVD- bzw. AL-CVD-Präparation und Modifizierung von Trägerkatalysatoren für die Methanolsynthese
(Project Head
Fischer, Roland A.
T2 - CVD-Synthese und Charakterisierung von Trägerkatalysatoren in einem Wirbelschichtreaktor
(Project Heads
Hinrichsen, Kai-Olaf
Muhler, Martin
T3 - Mikroskopische und spektroskopische Charakterisierung von Trägerkatalysatoren für die Methanolsynthese
(Project Head
Wöll, Christof