SFB 459:
Shape Memory Technology - Fundamentals, Engineering Design and Applications, Processing and Manufacturing
Subject Area
Materials Science and Engineering
from 2000 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5483976
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The shape memory effect (SME) fascinates by the property that some materials return to a prefixed
shape from any arbitrary bent form just by heating. This phenomenon holds a great potential for actuating, heat transfer and applications, where e. g. a rubber-like behavior of a metal is helpful.
The research center (SFB) 459 was founded to solve a variety of scientific and technical
problems which prevented a widespread application of shape memory technology. Over the 12 years of
funding by the DFG and the state of NRW, important and internationally considerable progress has been
made. Today, this enables, for example, a more cost-effective production of medical products with SME
with exactly predictable properties.
The SFB 459 could clarify the mechanisms at the atomic level, by which the FGE gets worse after repeated
application. As a result, shape memory alloys could be produced with much better fatigue behavior.
In this regard, significant progress has been achieved in the smelting metallurgy. A notable reduction
in undesired phases was also achieved by modification of the previous procedure, which not only has
greatly increased the life of shape memory components but also has eliminated the so far unknown cause
for an unwanted multistage switching of FGE in applications. Furthermore, the powder metallurgical production of shape memory components by injection molding or laser sintering was brought to a usable
stage. Hereby, much more complex components with a shape memory effect can be produced with lower
material costs. The welding of shape memory alloys with other materials has also been successfully tested.
Numerous material data and construction principles for the practical design of components were
found. The developed material models in SFB 459 allow for the pre-calculation of the properties of complex shape memory components. Elaborate investigations in the SFB 459 on the corrosion and biocompatibility of Ni-Ti shape memory alloys justify their use, in spite of the nickel content, as implant materials which are qualified for the minimally invasive surgery because of their special rubber-like behavior.
Creep Behavior of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys and the Effect of Pre-Creep on Martensitic Phase Transformation, in: Materials Science Forum (Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland), 327-328 (2000) pp. 183-186
G.F. Eggeler, K. Neuking, A. Dlouhy, E. Kobus
Damping of Superelastic NiTi-Alloys under Torsional Loading; Shape Memory Materials and its Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies and Shape Memory Materials SMST-SMM 2001,Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Uetikon/Zürich (2001)
W. Predki, M. Klönne
Influence of precipitation and dislocation substructure on phase transformation temperatures in a Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy, J. Phys. IV France, 11 (2001) Pr8 pp. 529-534
J. K. Allafi, A. Dlouhy, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Microstructure and Tensile Properties of two Binary NiTi-Alloys, Scripta mater., 44 (2001) pp. 171-178)
E. Hornbogen, V. Mertinger, D. Wurzel
Damping of Superelastic NiTi-Alloys under Torsional Loading, SMST 2001, Materials Science Forum, 394-395 (2002) pp. 115-118
Predki, M. Kloenne
Easy assessment of the biocompatibility of Ni-Ti alloys by in vitro cell culture experiments on a functionally graded Ni-NiTi-Ti material, Biomaterials, 23 (2002) pp. 4549-4555
D. Bogdanski, M. Köller, D. Müller, G. Muhr, M. Bram, H. P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver, J. Choi, M. Epple
Fertigungsgerechte, wissensbasierte Konstruktion in der Formgedächtnistechnik, Konstruktion, 10 (2002) pp. 59-62
E. Welp, J. Breidert, K. Weinert, M. Buschka, V. Petzoldt
Neutron diffraction phase analysis during thermal cycling of a Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloy using the Rietveld method, Scripta Mater., 46 (2002) pp. 543-548
H. Sitepu, W.W. Schmahl, J. Khalil Allafi, G. Eggeler, A. Dlouhy, D.M. Többens, M. Tovar
Powder Metallurgical Fabrication Processes for NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Parts, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 337 (2002) pp. 254-263
M. Bram, A. Ahmad-Khanlou, A. Heckmann, B. Fuchs, H. Buchkremer, D. Stöver
Texture and Quantitative Phase Analysis of Aged Ni-Rich NiTi using X-Ray and Neutron Diffractions, SMST 2001, Materials Science Forum, 394-395 (2002) pp. 237-240
H. Sitepu, W.W. Schmahl, J. Khalil Allafi, G. Eggeler, T. Reinecke, H.G. Brokmeier, M. Tovar, D.M. Többens
The mechanism of multiple step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Mater., 50 (2002) pp. 793-803
J. Khalil Allafi, X. Ren, G. Eggeler
Composites of different shape memory alloys and polymers for complex actuator motion, J. Phys. IV, 112 (2003) pp. 1163-1168
B. Winzek, T. Sterzl, H. Rumpf, E. Quandt
Crack initiation and propagation in 50.9 at.% Ni-Ti pseudo elastic shape-memory wires in bending-rotation fatigue, Met. Mat. Trans. A, 34 (2003) pp. 2847-2860
T. Sawaguchi, G. Kausträter, A. Yawny, M. Wagner, G. Eggeler
Fatigue of orthodontic Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) wires in different fluids under constant mechanical stress, Materials Science and Engineering A, 378 (2003) pp. 110-114
O. Prymak, A. Klocke, B. Kahl-Nielke, M. Epple
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) of Elemental Powder Mixtures and Prealloyed Powder for NiTi Shape Memory Parts, Advanced Engineering Materials, 5 (2003) pp. 918-924
E. Schüller, O. Hamed, M. Bram, D. Sebold, H.P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver
Multiple-step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi alloys - an in-situ transmission electron microscopy investigation, Phil.Mag., 83 (2003) pp. 339-363
A. Dlouhy, J. Khalil-Allafi, G. Eggeler
Phase Fractions of B2, B19', R-Phase and Ni4Ti3 in NiTi Alloys during Two-Step Phase Transformations, J. de Physique IV, 112 (2003) pp. 811-814
H. Sitepu, W. W. Schmahl, T. Reinecke, J. Khalil Allafi , G. Eggeler
Superelastic NiTi-Alloys under Torsional Loading, J. de Physique IV, 112 (2003) pp. 807-810
W. Predki, M. Klönne
A micromechanical model for polycrystalline shape-memory alloys, Materials Sience and Engineering A, 378 (2004) pp. 503-506
K. Hackl, M. Schmidt-Baldassari, W. Zhang
Electrolytic processing of NiTi shape memory alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, 378 (2004) pp. 191-199
M. Pohl, C. Hessing, J. Frenzel
High Quality Vacuum Induction Melting of Small Quantities of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys in Graphite Crucibles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 385 (2004) pp. 214-223
J. Frenzel, Z. Zhang, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Machining of NiTi Based Shape Memory Alloys; Materials Science and Engineering A, 378 (2004) pp. 180-184
K. Weinert, V. Petzoldt
Multiple-step martensitic transformations in Ni-rich NiTi shape memory alloys, Scripta Mater., 50 (2004) pp. 187-192
M.C. Carroll, Ch. Somsen, G. Eggeler
Recent developments in shape memory thin film technology, Mater. Sci. and Eng. A, 378 (2004) pp. 40- 46
B. Winzek, S. Schmitz, H. Rumpf, T. Sterzl, R. Hassdorf, S. Thienhaus, J. Feydt, M. Moske, E. Quandt,
Structural and functional fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 378 (2004) pp. 24-33
G. Eggeler, E. Hornbogen, A. Yawny, A. Heckmann, M. Wagner
Structural fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi shape memory wires, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 378 (2004) pp. 105-109
M. Wagner, T. Sawaguchi, G. Kausträter, D. Höffken, G. Eggeler
Surface energies and size-effects in shapememory-alloys, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 378 (2004) pp. 499-502
K. Hackl, M.Schmidt-Baldassari, W. Zhang, G. Eggeler
Metal Injection Molding for Prealloyed NiTi Shape Memory Alloys, Journal of Material Science, 40 (2005) pp. 4231-4238
E. Schüller, L. Krone, M. Bram, H.-P. Buchkremer D. Stöver
On the Reaction between NiTi Melts and Crucible Graphite during Vacuum Induction Melting of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys, Acta Mater., 53 (2005) pp. 3971-3985
Z. Zhang, J. Frenzel, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Improvement of mechanical properties of powder metallurgical NiTi Shape Memory Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials,8 (2006) pp. 247-252
J. Mentz, M. Bram, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver
Vacuum Induction Melting of Ternary NiTiX (X = Cu, Fe, Hf, Zr) Shape Memory Alloys Using Graphite Crucibles, Materials Transactions JIM, 48 (2006) pp. 661-669
Z. Zhang, J. Frenzel, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Evaluation of NiTi as a carrier material for human mesenchymal stem cells, Langenbecks Arch. Surg., 392 (2007) pp. 813
T. Habijan, M. Köhl, O. Bremm, S.A. Esenwein, D. Stöver, G. Muhr, M. Köller
On the Influence of Carbon on Martensitic Phase Transformations in NiTi Shape Memory Alloys, Acta Mater., 55 (2007) pp. 1331-1341
J. Frenzel, Z. Zhang, C. Somsen, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Functional Fatigue of Shape Memory Polymers, Advanced Engineering Materials, 10 (2008) pp.922-927
C. Schmidt, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler
Lattice stability, elastic constants and macroscopic moduli of NiTi martensites from first principles, Acta Materialia, 56 (2008) pp. 6232-6245
M. F.-X. Wagner, W. Windl
Powder metallurgical processing of NiTi shape memory alloys with elevated transformation temperatures, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 491 (2008) pp. 270-278
J. Mentz, J. Frenzel, F.-X. Wagner, K. Neuking, G. Eggeler, H.-P. Buchkremer, D. Stöver
Fracture mechanics and microstructure in NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) pp. 1015-1025
S. Gollerthan, M. L. Young, A. Baruj, J. Frenzel, W. W. Schmahl, G. Eggeler
Mesoscale kinetics produces martensitic microstructure, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 57 (2009) pp. 109-121
O. Kastner, G. J. Ackland
Microstructural evolution during multiaxial deformation of pseudoelastic NiTi studied by first-principles-based micromechanical modeling, Acta Materialia, 57 (2009) pp. 3856-3867
R. Heinen, K. Hackl, W. Windl, M. F.-X. Wagner
Influence of Ni on martensitic phase transformations in NiTi shape memory alloys, Acta Materialia, 58 (2010) pp. 3444-3458
J. Frenzel, E. P. George, A. Dlouhy, C. Somsen, M. F.-X. Wagner, G. Eggeler
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
United Kingdom
Completed projects
A01 - Mechanical properties of shape memory alloys: structural and functional fatigue
(Project Heads
Eggeler, Gunther
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
A02 - Stoffgesetze zur Beschreibung des Verhaltens von Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Heads
Bruhns, Otto-Timme
Oberste-Brandenburg, Claus
A03 - Mikrostrukturierung von Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Head
Wieck, Andreas Dirk
A4 - Bruchmechanische Werkstoffcharakterisierung von Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Head
Kalthoff, Jörg F.
A05 - High resolution detection of corrosion of NiTi, NiTiCu and NiTi material composites with respect to applications in medical technology
(Project Head
Schuhmann, Wolfgang
A6 - Ortsaufgelöste kristallographische Untersuchungen an NiTi Bauteilen mit Beugungsmethoden
(Project Head
Schmahl, Wolfgang W.
A08 - Transmission electron microscopy and simulations of microstructural evolution in NiTi shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Eggeler, Gunther
Somsen, Christoph
Steinbach, Ingo
A09 - Micromechanical modeling of shape memory materials
(Project Heads
Hackl, Klaus
Hoppe, Ulrich
A11 - 3D molecular-dynamics simulations of structural and functional characteristics of shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Drautz, Ralf
Kastner, Oliver
B01 - Design of smart shape memory structures and compilation of data in a knowledge and method base
(Project Heads
Sadek Hassanein, Tim
Welp, Ewald Georg
B03 - Engineering aspects of processing and performance of shape memory polymers
(Project Heads
Eggeler, Gunther
Neuking, Klaus
B05 - Formgedächtnislegierungen in der Antriebstechnik unter Betrachtung der Aspekte: Dämpfung, Kerbwirkung, Spieleinstellung bei Wälzlagern und Getrieben, Kupplungen
(Project Head
Predki, Wolfgang
B06 - Computer-assisted design of shape memory actuators
(Project Head
Meier, Horst
B7 - Entwicklung eines nicht-linearen Bohrsystems für den mikrotherapeutischen Einsatz
(Project Heads
Bracke, Andreas
Eggeler, Gunther
Grönemeyer, Dietrich H.W.
B09 - Application of micro-structured Ni-Ti-X thin films: fabrication and characterization of switchable adaptive surfaces
(Project Head
Ludwig, Alfred
B10 - Finite-Elemente-Modellierung des Strukturverhaltens von NiTi-Legierungen in medizinischen Anwendungen und Verbundsystemen
(Project Head
Reese, Stefanie
B11 - Entwicklung einer kieferchirurgischen Säge und eines NiTi-Verbindungs-Stents für Dysgnathie- bzw. Rekonstruktionsoperation
(Project Heads
Böckmann, Roland
Eggeler, Gunther
Neuking, Klaus
Wolff, Klaus-Dietrich
B12 - Simulation von Formgedächtnis-Bauteilen und Schlüsselexperimenten
(Project Heads
Hackl, Klaus
Hartmaier, Alexander
Hoppe, Ulrich
Kastner, Oliver
C1 - Untersuchungen zum Kriechen von NiTi-Legierungen und zum Einfluss von Kriechverformungen auf Phasenumwandlungstemperaturen
(Project Head
Eggeler, Gunther
C02 - Pulvermetallurgie von Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Heads
Buchkremer, Hans Peter
Stöver, Detlev
C03 - Strain tolerant wear protection on NiTi-surfaces
(Project Heads
Ludwig, Alfred
Pohl, Michael
C04 - Machining and micro-machining of NiTi shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Biermann, Dirk
Weinert, Klaus D.
C05 - Fügen von NiTi-Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Head
Theisen, Werner
C06 - Structure modification of biomedical NiTi surfaces for optimal tissue contact
(Project Heads
Esenwein, Stefan A.
Köller, Manfred
Pohl, Michael
Theisen, Werner
C07 - Ingot metallurgy and thermomechanical processing
(Project Heads
Eggeler, Gunther
Frenzel, Jan
Neuking, Klaus
C8 - Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Modellierung dünner Formgedächtnisschichten
(Project Heads
Hackl, Klaus
Ludwig, Alfred
Quandt, Eckhard
Winzek, Bernhard
C09 - Combinatorial development of ternary and quaternary shape memory thin film systems with optimized properties
(Project Head
Ludwig, Alfred
C10 - Laser assisted near net-shape processing of complex NiTi-based shape memory components
(Project Heads
Frenzel, Jan
Meier, Horst
C11 - Laserbasierte Herstellung und Charakterisierung von NiTi-Nanopartikeln
(Project Head
Ostendorf, Andreas
T01 - Manufacturing of functional components made of NiTi-X basis powders by metal injection moulding
(Project Heads
Bram, Martin
Buchkremer, Hans Peter
Stöver, Detlev
T02 - Production and properties of welded joints in medical components with small dimensions
(Project Head
Theisen, Werner
T03 - Influence of processing parameters on high cycle fatigue of NiTi shape memory alloys
(Project Heads
Böckmann, Roland
Eggeler, Gunther
Frenzel, Jan
Kunkel, Martin
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
T04 - System integration of SMA-actuators with respect to design, joining techniques, fatigue and dynamics
(Project Heads
Sadek Hassanein, Tim
Theisen, Werner
Wagner, Martin Franz-Xaver
T05 - Formgedächtnislegierungen in der Antriebstechnik: Spieleinstellung bei Umlaufgetrieben; Reibung und Verschleiß im geschmierten Kontakt
(Project Head
Predki, Wolfgang
Z01 - Central tasks and common Organizations of the Collaborative Research Center
(Project Head
Eggeler, Gunther