SFB 518:
Inflammation, Regeneration and Transformation in the Pancreas
Subject Area
from 1998 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5482728
Within the topic of inflammation and regeneration, inflammatory processes of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas are examined. The exocrine part of the pancreas produces digestive enzymes, whereas the endocrine part comprises the islet cells which are in charge of synthesis and release of insuline. In the latter part, we mainly focus on immunological topics related to the basic mechanisms of diabetes and autoimmune destruction of the endocrine pancreas. The transformation part addresses the complex cellular and molecular mechanisms which lead to transformation and propagation of pancreatic cancer. In particular, we are interested in understanding changes in gene expression, in particular the identification of novel proto-oncogenes or of novel inactivating mutations in tumour suppressor genes leading to transformation of pancreatic duct cells. Furthermore, we want to identify the molecular mechanisms participating in the transgression from chronic pancreatitis to pancreatic cancer. To achieve these different goals, we have taken a concerted action supported by various groups from basic research as well as clinical medicine.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Induction and control of autoreactive, preproinsulin-specific CD8 T cells in transgene mouse models of typ 1 diabetes
(Project Heads
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
Schirmbeck, Reinhold
A3 - Aktivierung autoreaktiver T-Zellen in einem murinen LCMV-GP transgenen Diabetesmodell
(Project Head
Pechhold, Klaus
A04 - Functional Characterization of Autoreactive T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
(Project Heads
Böhm, Bernhard Otto
Rosinger, Silke
A5 - CCK-induzierte Mechanismen der F-Aktin-Regulation in der Azinuszelle
(Project Heads
Beil, Michael
Lutz, Manfred
A6 - Proteaseninduzierte Zytokinaktivierung im Pathomechanismus lokaler und systemischer Komplikationen bei akuter Pakreatitits
(Project Head
Rau, Bettina
A07 - On the role of EMMPRIN and its interaction with pancreatic stellate cells in fibrogenesis und tumor desmoplasia
(Project Heads
Bachem, Max G.
Schneiderhan, Wilhelm
A10 - Molecular characterization of acinar-ductal metaplasie in TGF-alpha transgenic mice
(Project Head
Wagner, Martin
A11 - Molekulare Mechanismen und physiologische Bedeutung der G-Proteinabhängigen Regulation von Phosphoinositol-3-Kinasen im exokrinen Pankreas
(Project Head
Nürnberg, Bernd
A12 - Etablierung embryonaler Stammzellinien (ES-Linien) aus NOD (Non Obese Diabetic) Mäusen zum Zwecke des gene targetings im NOD Genom
(Project Head
Fehling, Hans-Jörg
A13 - Molekulare Metamorphose des Epithels im chronisch distendierten Pankreasgang und deren potentielelle Bedeutung in der Initialphase der chronischen Pankreatitis
(Project Heads
Hasel, Cornelia
Möller, Peter
A14 - Die Bedeutung der NF-kB Aktivierung für Entstehung und Verlauf der akuten Pankreatitis
(Project Heads
Weber, Christoph
Wirth, Thomas
A15 - Regulation of endocrine and neuroendocrine secretion in the pancreas by the protein kinase D family
(Project Heads
Seufferlein, Thomas
Walther, Paul
von Wichert, Götz Peter
A17 - Molecular analysis of NF-KappaB- induced acute pancreatitis and of the pan creatitis induced fibrosis
(Project Heads
Baumann, Bernd
Wagner, Martin
A18 - The role of the RBP-J(kappa) dependent corepressor protein CtIP in pancreatic development and differentiation
(Project Head
Oswald, Franz
A19 - Analyse des Einflusses von Telomerdysfunktion auf die Regeneration und Stammzellfunktion im Pankreas
(Project Head
Rudolph, Karl Lenhard
B01 - Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung differentiell exprimierter Gene im Pankreaskarzinom mit Hilfe von Kandidatengen-Arrays-/Chips
(Project Heads
Buchholz, Malte
Gress, Thomas Mathias
B03 - Identification of the subcellular localization and cellular targets of protein kinase D2, a novel protein kinase overexpressed in pancreatic cancer.
(Project Head
Seufferlein, Thomas
B04 - Molecular and cellular mechanisms organizing the E-cadherin / catenin adhesion complex in pancreatic carcinoma cells.
(Project Heads
Adler, Guido
Menke, Andre
B5 - Thymidylat-Stoffwechsel-Marker zur Diagnostik und Therapie-Evaluation des Pankreaskarzinoms mit Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET)
(Project Head
Reske, Sven Norbert
B6 - Einfluß von Smad-4 auf die Tumorgenese im Pankreas
(Project Heads
Hameister, Horst
Schmid, Roland M.
B7 - Regulation der gerichteten Migration und Invasion humaner Pankreaskarzinomzellen
(Project Heads
Giehl, Klaudia
Gierschik, Peter
B10 - Molekularbiologische Charakterisierung hyperplastischer und dysplastischer Gangepithelveränderungen bei chronischer Pankreatitis und beim Pankreaskarzinom
(Project Heads
Gansauge, Susanne
Mattfeldt, Torsten
B12 - Untersuchung zur Expreson und transkriptionellen Regulation von GADD45, einem potentiellen Zielgen von NF-kB in humanen Pankreaskarziomen
(Project Head
Liptay, Claudia-Susanne
B15 - Funktion der Ser/Thr-spezifischen Proteinkinase, Casein Kinase 1 delta in der Tumorigenese des Pankreas
(Project Head
Knippschild, Uwe
B16 - Bedeutung der NFAT-Transkriptionsfaktoren für das phänotypische Verhalten des Pankreaskarzinoms
(Project Heads
Ellenrieder, Volker
Oswald, Franz
B17 - Evaluation of IAP antagonists for sensitization of pancreatic cancer to apoptosis
(Project Head
Fulda, Simone
B18 - Effects of FGFR-1-Exonswitching in ductal pancreatic cells
(Project Head
Kornmann, Marko
B19 - Detailed characterization of genomic aberrations in pancreatic cancer and their role in prognosis and therapy
(Project Heads
Holzmann, Karlheinz
Schwänen, Carsten
B21 - The influence of the morphological structure of keratin networks for the motility of pancreas carcinoma cells
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Volker
Walther, Paul
B22 - Regulation of the viscoelastic properties of the keratin cytoskeleton in pancreatic carcinoma cells
(Project Heads
Beil, Michael
Marti, Othmar
B23 - Role of NF-KappaB in pancreatic tumour progression
(Project Head
Wirth, Thomas
C1 - Etablierung des Pankreaskarzinom-Xenograft Modells als zentrale Resource
(Project Heads
Beger, Hans Günther
Gansauge, Frank
Gress, Thomas Mathias
Jilge, Burghart
C03 - Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Adler, Guido
C4 - Zentrales Ressource Molekularzytogenetische Diagnostik und DNA-Chips
(Project Heads
Bentz, Martin
Gress, Thomas Mathias
C05 - Robust Algorithms for clustering and classification of pancreatic cells and tissues
(Project Heads
Kestler, Hans A.
Palm, Günther