Project Details
SFB 415: Specificity and Pathophysiology of Signal Transduction Pathways
Subject Area
from 1998 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5482652
The research program is devoted to the analysis of intracellular signaling pathways and their significance as related to pathophysiology. The close collaboration between scientific groups from clinical departments and institutes opens the prospect for rapid translation of research results into clinical application.
A major focus of the current second period is the analysis of the molecular basis for a cell to select between proliferation/activation and cell death/apoptosis in response to signals from outside (Project area A: Apoptosis and anti-apoptosis with 9 projects). An improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms is of utmost importance for the development of new therapeutic strategies in the treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, as well as infectious diseases and inflammation. A second focus is the analysis of cytokine and chemokine signaling pathways as involved in cellular differentiation, regeneration and wound healing (Project area B: Differentiation and regeneration with 4 projects). A third research area is dealing with the molecular regulation of inflammation and the signaling pathways involved in cellular responses to microorganisms (Project area C: Inflammation and infection with 4 projects). A cDNA microarray platform is available for expression analysis to all research groups of the collaborative research centre 415.
A major focus of the current second period is the analysis of the molecular basis for a cell to select between proliferation/activation and cell death/apoptosis in response to signals from outside (Project area A: Apoptosis and anti-apoptosis with 9 projects). An improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms is of utmost importance for the development of new therapeutic strategies in the treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases, as well as infectious diseases and inflammation. A second focus is the analysis of cytokine and chemokine signaling pathways as involved in cellular differentiation, regeneration and wound healing (Project area B: Differentiation and regeneration with 4 projects). A third research area is dealing with the molecular regulation of inflammation and the signaling pathways involved in cellular responses to microorganisms (Project area C: Inflammation and infection with 4 projects). A cDNA microarray platform is available for expression analysis to all research groups of the collaborative research centre 415.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A1 - Aktivierung der sauren Sphingomyelinase und der Phosphatidylcholin-spezifischen Phospholipase C durch die Death Domain des p55 TNF Rezeptors (Project Head Krönke, Martin )
- A02 - Proliferative und proapoptiotische Signale durch den Todesrezeptor-vermittelten FADD/Caspase-Signalweg in murinen Fibroblasten (Project Head Adam, Sabine )
- A03 - Non-apoptotic and apoptotic signal transduction of TRAIL-Receptor-1 and 2: From in vitro and in vivo analyses to clinical application (Project Head Kalthoff, Ph.D., Holger )
- A04 - Mechanismen der Regulation von Caspase-unabhängigem Zelltod und Zellproliferation durch Sphingolipidmediatoren (Project Head Adam, Dieter )
- A5 - Aktivierung von Leukozyten durch das Chemokin Plättchenfaktor 4: Eigenständige und kooperative Signale (Project Heads Flad, Hans-Dieter ; Petersen, Frank )
- A6 - Bedeutung des Angiotensinrezeptors AT2 für die Regulation von Differenzierung, Regeneration und Apoptose (Project Head Unger, Thomas )
- A7 - Signaltransduktionswege des inhibitorischen Neuropeptids Somatostatin in Gliomazellen (Project Heads Held-Feindt, Janka ; Krisch, Brigitte ; Mentlein, Rolf )
- A8 - Pro- und contra-entzündliche Signaltransduktion in Phagozyten bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen (Project Head Schreiber, Stefan )
- A09 - FasL surface expression and signal transduction in lymphocytes and tumor cells (Project Head Janßen, Ottmar )
- A10 - Characterization of novel IL-15Ra/Axl-mediated signal transduction mechanismus essential for cell survival and proliferation (Project Heads Bulanova, Elena ; Bulfone-Paus, Silvia )
- A11 - Role of subcellular compartments and vesicular trafficking in TNF signaling (Project Head Schütze, Stefan )
- A12 - The functional diversity of JNK isoforms (Project Head Herdegen, Thomas )
- A13 - Functional role of IEX-1 in NF-kB signaling and the ubiquitin-proteasome system and its relation to intestinal inflammation and colon cancer (Project Heads Arlt, Alexander ; Schäfer, Heiner )
- A14 - Rolle von TDAG51 bei Zellaktivierung, Proliferation und Apoptose (Project Head Kabelitz, Dietrich )
- A15 - Proliferation and suppression of T cells: Role of TLR ligands and IL-6 (Project Heads Kabelitz, Dietrich ; Wesch, Daniela )
- A16 - Interplay between DNA repair and cytokines. Implications for UV-induced immunosuppression (Project Head Schwarz, Thomas )
- B1 - Identifizierung und funktionelle Charakterisierung von intrazellulären Ceramid-Bindeproteinen (Project Head Schütze, Stefan )
- B02 - Cytokine signal transduction pathways in superficial wound healing (reepithelization) and in skin diseases with a barrier defect (Project Head Proksch, Ehrhardt )
- B3 - Untersuchungen zur Rolle lipidartiger Leukozytenaktivatoren (LILAs) und des LILA-Rezeptors bei entzündlichen Prozessen (Project Head Schröder, Jens-Michael )
- B4 - Untersuchungen zu Veränderungen der Signaltransduktion bei der Metachromatischen Leukodystrophie (Project Head Gieselmann, Volkmar )
- B05 - The soluble IL6R: Generation and physiological relevance (Project Heads Rose-John, Stefan ; Scheller, Jürgen )
- B06 - Interaction of platelet factor 4 with splice variants of CXCR3: receptor selectivity, signal transduction mechanisms, and cellular regulation (Project Head Petersen, Frank )
- B07 - The structure of Interleukin-27 (p28) and its receptors WSX-1 and EBI-3 (Project Head Grötzinger, Joachim )
- B08 - Characterization of Notch/RBP-J signaling in dependence of the cellular context during mesodermal differentiation (Project Head Just, Ursula )
- B09 - Functions of ADAM metalloproteinases (Project Heads Reiss, Karina ; Saftig, Paul )
- C1 - Die Transkriptionskontrolle der neuronalen Stressantwort im adulten Nervensystem (Project Head Herdegen, Thomas )
- C2 - Angiotensin II/AT1-Rezeptor-vermittelte Transkription im Gehirn: Komponenten der Signaltransduktion und Zielgene (Project Head Blume, Annegret )
- C3 - Rolle des p53-Zielgens p22/PRG1 bei der Signalvermittlung p53-abhängiger Zellantworten (Project Heads Schmidt, Wolfgang E. ; Schäfer, Heiner )
- C5 - Rolle von TDAG51 bei Zellaktivierung, Proliferation und Apoptose (Project Head Kabelitz, Dietrich )
- C06 - Viral Interleukin-6: Structure, pathophysiology and strategies of neutralization (Project Head Rose-John, Stefan )
- C07 - The role of WNT/Frizzled signaling pathways in mycobacterial infections (Project Heads Ehlers, Stefan ; Reiling, Norbert )
- C08 - Characterization of the functional interaction of NOD2 and the autophagosomal pathway: A surveillance and defense mechanism against cytoinvasive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (Project Head Schreiber, Stefan )
- C9 - Untersuchungen zur rolle lipidartiger Leukozytenaktivatoren (LILAs) und des LILA-Rezeptors bei entzündlichen Prozessen (Project Head Schröder, Jens-Michael )
- C10 - Cell-specific mechanisms mediated by IL-27/WSX-1 durin inflammatory immune responses (Project Head Hölscher, Christoph )
- Z - Zentrale Aufgaben und Verwaltung (Project Head Krönke, Martin )
- Z01 - Systematic Expression Screening (Project Heads Häsler, Robert ; Schreiber, Stefan )
- Z02 - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre (Project Head Kabelitz, Dietrich )
Applicant Institution
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Participating Institution
Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel; Forschungszentrum Borstel
Leibniz Lungenzentrum; Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH)
Campus Kiel; Forschungszentrum Borstel
Leibniz Lungenzentrum; Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH)
Professor Dr. Dietrich Kabelitz