The ecology of the littoral zone and the interdependency of the littoral and the pelagic zones are studied in a long-term, interdisciplinary and coordinated scientific approach. We aim at contributing to a general mechanistic-causal understanding of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Our approach combines field sampling at selected and jointly used sampling sites with mesocosm experiments under close to in-situ conditions and with ecophysiological studies and population studies in the laboratory. The littoral zone is explored as the habitat of microbial communities (biofilms, micro-flora, bacteria, fungi) and "macrobial" communities (meiobenthos, macrobenthos, macrophytes, fish) as well as an important physical compartment in the matter budget of the lake. This implies the hydrodynamic registration of specific water movements with corresponding transport of biologically relevant matter as well as remote sensing using airplanes.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Makrozoobenthos-Lebensgemeinschaften des Bodenseeufers
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
A02 - Allelochemical interactions of submersed macrophytes
(Project Head
Gross, Elisabeth Maria
A03 - Chemische Aspekte der Futterqualität und Futterpräferenz für Gammarus roeseli
(Project Heads
von Elert, Ph.D., Eric
Wantzen, Karl Matthias
A04 - Spatial patterns and trophic interactions in the littoral zone
(Project Head
Straile, Dietmar
A06 - Litter decomposition in the lake littoral: microbes and process domains
(Project Head
Mendgen, Kurt
A07 - Nutritional aspects in the invasive freshwater bivalve Corbicula fluminea: the role of essential lipids
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto
A08 - Dynamics of waterbird populations as important top consumers at Lake Constance - Energy flow and dietary segregation
(Project Heads
Bauer, Hans-Günther
Quillfeldt, Ph.D., Petra
B01 - Microbial transformations of redox intermediates in littoral sediment
(Project Head
Schink, Bernhard
B3 - Lebensgemeinschaften von Mikroalgen im Litoral des Bodensees
(Project Head
Böger, Peter
B04 - The role of fungi during development and decay of reed
(Project Head
Mendgen, Kurt
B6 - Interne Struktur und Produktivität der Aufwuchs-Lebensgemeinschaften im Uferbereich des Bodensees
(Project Head
Tilzer, Max M.
B09 - Cell-cell interactions of heterotrophic bacteria during colonization and degradation of detritus
(Project Head
Philipp, Bodo
B10 - Lichteinfluss auf Cyanobakterien und algen in Biofilmen
(Project Head
Adamska, Iwona
B11 - Physiology and role of diatoms in biofilms
(Project Head
Kroth, Peter
C01 - Population dynamics of fish species under conditions of re-oligotrophication
(Project Head
Eckmann, Reiner
C02 - Temporal and spatial dynamics of littoral fish communities in large lakes
(Project Head
Fischer, Philipp
C3 - Chemo- und mechanosensorische Mechanismen bei Räuber-Beute Interaktionen von Fischen im Litoral
(Project Head
Breithaupt, Thomas
C05 - Population genetics and postglacial colonization in different littoral zone fish of Lake Constance with divergent life histories
(Project Head
Meyer, Axel
C06 - The macroparasite community of perch (Perca fluviatilis) and ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and implications on immune parameters (MHC-variability)
(Project Head
Behrmann-Godel, Jasminca
D1 - Transport- und Austauschvorgänge zwischen Litoral und Pelagial und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit biologischen Prozessen
(Project Heads
Gaedke, Ursula
Ilmberger, Johann
D03 - Remote sensing of shallow water areas in Lake Constance
(Project Heads
Gege, Peter
Heege, Thomas
D4 - Flachwasserzone in Flußmündungsbereichen
(Project Head
Güde, Hans
D5 - Transportvorgänge im Litoral
(Project Head
Hutter, Kolumban
D06 - Suface waves and their ecological consequence
(Project Head
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
D08 - Turbulent fluxes and sediment-water exchange
(Project Head
Lorke, Andreas
D09 - High-frequency internal waves in the littoral zone of Lake Constance
(Project Heads
Lorke, Andreas
Peeters, Ph.D., Frank
Z - Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Rothhaupt, Karl-Otto