SFB 448:
Mesoscopically Organized Composites
Subject Area
from 1998 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5482335
This collaborative research centre explores new strategies for thesynthesis and characterization of chemical composites which arestructured on a length scale from 1 to 100 nanometers, i.e. well abovethe size of simple molecules but below the (macroscopic) sizes ofclassical composite materials. Such mesoscopically structured composite systems may exhibit novel properties and functions which result directly from the size of the compartments and/or the interactions between the individual structural units. The collaborative research centre aims at novel functional materialsof this type with controlled properties for potential applications.The building units of the nano-composites are obtained by stepwisechemical synthesis (e.g., functionalized dendrimers orpoly-paraphenylenes), by polymerization (amphiphilic and hybrid blockcopolymers, etc.), and by other methods. The building units areassembled in a hierarchical manner to the desired mesoscopic composites by applying the principles of supramolecular chemistry or making use of molecular self assembly or of electrostatic interactions between the partners. Block copolymers are also used as templates for the mineralization of inorganic salts and their micelles or lyotropic phases are used to direct the condensation of silica precursors to ordered polymer/ceramic nanocomposites and mesoporous ceramic materials. The novel mesoscopically structured composites can be used to study the physico-chemical behavior of substances or probe molecules in strongly confined geometries by means of modern experimental techniques as well as theoretical models and molecular simulation techniques.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Synthese chemischer Module
(Project Head
Schlüter, Arnulf-Dieter
A2 - Elektronentransferreaktionen in Materialien mit Polaritätsgradienten
(Project Heads
Menzel, Ralf
Möhwald, Helmuth
A3 - Reaktive Membranlandschaften auf Kolloidteilchen und in mesoskopischen Micellen
(Project Head
Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrich
A4 - Flüssigkristalline Filme und Filmverbundsysteme
(Project Heads
Fliegner, Daniela
Heppke, Gerd
A5 - Synthese und Untersuchung des Assoziationsverhaltens von neuen linearen und verzweigten amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren
(Project Heads
Antonietti, Markus
Schlaad, Helmut
A6 - Strukturtransformation von Blockcopolymer-Mizellen und Templat-Effekte bei der Entstehung von Silika-Mesophasen
(Project Head
Findenegg, Gerhard
A7 - Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Reaktivmembranen auf Basis von Polymer-Wirkstoff-Verbundsystemen
(Project Heads
Reichert, Karl-Heinz
Schomäcker, Reinhard
A8 - Biomimetische Mineralisation mit amphiphilen Blockcopolymeren
(Project Head
Cölfen, Helmut
A9 - Mesoskopisch stukturierte Farbstoff-, Farbstoff/Tensid- und Farbstoff/Polyelektrolyt-Aggregate
(Project Heads
Böttcher, Christoph
Kirstein, Stefan
A10 - Hierarchical architectures from modules with metallosupramolecular coordination polyelectrolytes
(Project Heads
Kurth, Dirk G.
Möhwald, Helmuth
A11 - Manipulation of stiff macromolecules on solid surfaces
(Project Head
Rabe, Jürgen P.
A12 - Strukturbildung und Dynamik in selbstorganisierenden Blockcopolymer-Tensid Mischsystemen
(Project Heads
Hellweg, Thomas
Schlaad, Helmut
A13 - Morphology and Dynamics of Semiflexible Polymers at Surfaces
(Project Heads
Kierfeld, Jan
Lipowsky, Reinhard
A14 - Synthese molekularer Objekte mit neuer Architektur und deren hierarchische Strukturbildung
(Project Heads
Antonietti, Markus
Hecht, Stefan
A15 - Modular Synthesis and Characterization of pH-Cleavable Precision Polymers for the Formation of Rigid siRNA-Polyamine-Complexes
(Project Head
Haag, Rainer
A16 - Interaction of rod-like siRNA(DNA)-polycation-complexes with vesicular model membranes
(Project Head
Gradzielski, Michael
A17 - Self-organization of Amphiphilic Graft-Block-Copolymer Hybrids in Solution and at Surfaces
(Project Heads
Laschewsky, André
Lutz, Jean-François
B01 - Phase Transitions and Self-Assembly in Mesopores
(Project Head
Findenegg, Gerhard
B02 - Characterization of the structure and dynamics of mesoporous host-guestmaterials using solid state NMR techniques
(Project Heads
Buntkowsky, Gerd
Limbach, Hans-Heinrich
Shenderovich, Ilya G.
B3 - Mehr-Schritt-Elektron-Transfer in Farbstoff-Dendrimer-Gerüsten
(Project Head
Rettig, Wolfgang
B5 - Formstabile Makromoleküle auf Festkörperoberflächen
(Project Head
Rabe, Jürgen P.
B06 - Equilibrium properties of complex fluids in confined geometries
(Project Head
Klapp, Sabine
B7 - Wechselwirkung von Nanopartikeln und Membranen
(Project Heads
Döbereiner, Ph.D., Hans-Günther
Lipowsky, Reinhard
B10 - Influence of geometrical restrictions and interface modifications on structure formation of colloidal dispersions in thin liquid films
(Project Head
von Klitzing, Regine
B11 - The impact of substrate deformation on equilibrium properties of pure confined fluids
(Project Head
Schoen, Martin
B14 - Wall deformation in mesoporous materials during capillary condensation of fluids
(Project Heads
Fratzl, Peter
Paris, Oskar
C01 - Molecular processes in mesoscopically structured polyelectrolyte systems
(Project Heads
Hildebrandt, Peter
Möhwald, Helmuth
C02 - Immobile Wasservolumen, photoaktive Heterodimere, chirale Fasern und leitfähige Porphyrin-Polymere in Membranlandschaften
(Project Head
Fuhrhop, Jürgen-Hinrich
C03 - Mehr-Schritt-Elektron-Transfer in Farbstoff-Dendrimer-Gerüsten
(Project Head
Rettig, Wolfgang
C04 - Organic-inorganic semiconductor nanostructures: Investigation of energytransfer processes and nonlinear optical properties.
(Project Heads
Blumstengel, Sylke
Henneberger, Fritz
C05 - Nanoscale phase-separated organic/organic heterostructures in thin films
(Project Heads
Koch, Norbert
Rabe, Jürgen P.
C06 - Photo-induced growth of hybrid structures of dye aggregates and metal nanoparticles
(Project Heads
Böttcher, Christoph
Kirstein, Stefan
C07 - Elektronentransferreaktionen in Materialien mit Polaritätsgradient
(Project Heads
Möhwald, Helmuth
Spitz, Christian
C08 - Light harvesting with artificial hybride structures
(Project Head
Benson, Oliver
YE1 - Mehrschritt-Elektrontransfer in Farbstoff-Dendrimer-Gerüsten
(Project Head
Rettig, Wolfgang
YE2 - Molekulare Ordnung auf mesoskopisch strukturierten Festkörperoberflächen
(Project Head
Rabe, Jürgen P.
YE3 - Mesoskopisch strukturierte Oberflächen von Blockcopolymeren und Flüssigkristallen
(Project Head
Rabe, Jürgen P.
YE4 - Materialien mit Polaritätsgradienten
(Project Heads
Menzel, Ralf
Möhwald, Helmuth
YE5 - Synthese neuer amphiphiler Blockcopolymere und ihre Nutzung für Kolloid/Polymer-Verbundsysteme
(Project Heads
Antonietti, Markus
Förster, Stephan
YE6 - Templateffekte amphiphiler Polymere beim Wachstum anorganischer Funktionskolloide
(Project Heads
Antonietti, Markus
Cölfen, Helmut
YE7 - Keimbildung und Wachstum in begrenzten Geometrien
(Project Heads
Gompper, Gerhard
Lipowsky, Reinhard
Z - Central Administration
(Project Heads
Rabe, Jürgen P.
Schoen, Martin