Project Details
SFB 407: Quantum limited measuring processes with atoms, Molecules and photons
Subject Area
from 1997 to 2009
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5481797
The knowledge of the quantum behavior of fields as well as matter has significantly altered our understanding of the physical world since the start of the last century. Since then, the techniques available to perform physical measurements have been significantly improved and extended. Specifically in recent years, the development of methods to cool, trap and manipulate dilute atomic gases has allowed to attack new fields of research which are dominated by the wave properties of atomic matter. In combination with the most advanced experimental techniques in atomic and molecular interferometry as well as atomic and molecular optics, this opens new perspectives for realizing new measurement principles which are only limited by the fundamental principles of the measurement process itself and not by technical issues. In a complementing fashion, quantum behavior also defines the limits of optical measurements, especially the limitations and the perspectives of modern gravitational wave detectors. The Department of Physics at the University of Hannover together with related departments at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig and the Lasercenter Hannover (LZH) investigate new means to examine the multitude of aspects given by the quantum nature of physical systems and develop new methods for their implementation in future measurement principles and their application. New methodical approaches will be developed and applied as well as existing ones extended to their quantum limit. It is the goal to gain a comprehensive understanding of quantum limitations and to investigate them in view of future applications.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Atomoptik für Präzisionsexperimente mit metastabilem Magnesium (Project Heads Ertmer, Wolfgang ; Rasel, Ernst Maria )
- A2 - Kohärente und nichtlineare Atomoptik auf Basis von Bose-Einstein Kondensaten (Project Heads Ertmer, Wolfgang ; Sengstock, Klaus )
- A03 - Messung, Vergleich und Transfer der Frequenz phasen-kohärenter optischer, atomarer Oszillationen (Project Heads Ertmer, Wolfgang ; Grosche, Gesine ; Rasel, Ernst Maria ; Schnatz, Harald )
- A4 - Erzeugung von monochromatischen Atomwellen für die Atominterferometrie (Project Heads Helmcke, Jürgen ; Riehle, Fritz )
- A05 - Materiewelleninterferometrie mit Molekülen (Project Heads Knöckel, Horst ; Tiemann, Eberhard )
- A6 - Kohärente Atomodptik in integrierten Speicherfeldern (Project Heads Birkl, Gerhard ; Ertmer, Wolfgang )
- A7 - Kollektives Kühlen gefangener Teilchen (Project Head Lewenstein, Maciej )
- A08 - Signatur makroskopischer Quantenphänomene der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation (Project Head Weiß, Carl Otto )
- A9 - Präparation von phasenfehlerfreien Atominterferenzen mit Neutralatomen (Project Heads Helmcke, Jürgen ; Riehle, Fritz )
- A10 - Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung in ultrakalten Bose-Fermi Mischungen (Project Heads Arlt, Jan ; Ertmer, Wolfgang )
- A11 - Quantenlimitierte, flächenbehaftete Materiewelleninterferometer zur hochauflösenden Messung von Rotationen und Beschleunigungen (Project Heads Ertmer, Wolfgang ; Rasel, Ernst Maria )
- A12 - Ultrakalte Atome in optischen Gittern (Project Heads Arlt, Jan ; Ertmer, Wolfgang ; Santos, Luis )
- A13 - Atominterferometrie am Quantenprojektionsrauschlimit (Project Heads Riehle, Fritz ; Sterr, Uwe )
- A15 - Neue Herausforderungen der ultrakalten atomaren Gase: Dipolare Gase und stark korrelierte atomare Nichtgleichgewichtssysteme. (Project Head Santos, Luis )
- A16 - Optische Frequenzvergleiche für Tests der Konstanz der Naturkonstanten (Project Heads Peik, Ekkehard ; Tamm, Christian )
- B1 - Optische Interferometrie an gespeicherten Ionen (Project Head Tamm, Christian )
- B2 - Optische Oszillatoren mit quantenrauschbegrenzter Frequenzstabilität (Project Head Telle, Harald Roland )
- B4 - Optische Molekülstrahl-Frequenznormale (Project Head Kramer, Günter )
- B05 - Korrelation von Frequenz-, Amplituden- und Strahlgeometriefluktuationen von Laseroszillatoren in der Nähe des Quantenlimits (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Willke, Benno )
- B6 - Quantenlimit in der Interferometrie (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Lück, Harald )
- B07 - Quantenrauschbegrenzte optische Strahlungsquellen hoher Leistung (Project Head Fallnich, Carsten )
- B08 - Interferometrie mit Recyclingmethoden (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Lück, Harald )
- B10 - Phasenkohärenz in Femtosekunden-Superkontinua (Project Head Telle, Harald Roland )
- B11 - Untersuchungen zur Reduktion von Quantenrauschbegrenzungen in fasergestützten Ultrakurzpulssystemen durch lineare und nichtlineare Effekte (Project Heads Kracht, Dietmar ; Wandt, Dieter )
- B12 - Quantum-Non-Demolition-Interferometrie (Project Heads Chen, Yanbei ; Danzmann, Karsten ; Schnabel, Roman )
- B13 - Quanteninterferenz-Metrologie (Project Heads Arlt, Jan ; Morgner, Uwe ; Rasel, Ernst Maria )
- B14 - Untersuchung optischer Nichtlinearitäten in photonischen Bandlücken-Strukturen (Project Heads Benkler, Erik ; Telle, Harald Roland )
- B15 - Modenkontrolle nichtklassischer Felder (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Schnabel, Roman ; Willke, Benno )
- B16 - Nichtklassische Kerr-Interferometrie (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Lück, Harald ; Schnabel, Roman )
- B17 - Messung von Leistungsfluktuationenam Quantenlimit (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Willke, Benno )
- C01 - Ultrakalte Stöße und ihre spektroskopischen Auswirkungen (Project Heads Riehle, Fritz ; Sterr, Uwe )
- C02 - Brechungsindexmanipulationen in atomaren Ensembles (Project Heads Danzmann, Karsten ; Rinkleff, Rolf-Hermann )
- C3 - Erzeugung und Untersuchung bichromatischer Strahlungsfelder (Project Head Wellegehausen, Bernd )
- C04 - Gebundene Atompaare (Project Heads Knöckel, Horst ; Tiemann, Eberhard )
- C05 - Optisch nukleare Spektroskopie (Project Heads Peik, Ekkehard ; Tamm, Christian )
- Z - Zentrale Verwaltung (Project Head Ertmer, Wolfgang )
Applicant Institution
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Participating Institution
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH); Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
(Albert-Einstein-Institut); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
(Albert-Einstein-Institut); Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Professor Dr. Wolfgang Ertmer