Project Details
SFB 523: Protein and Membrane Transport between Cellular Compartments
Subject Area
from 1996 to 2008
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5481217
Eukaryotic cells achieve their high functional diversity by compartimentalization which locates specific functions to cellular subcompartments that are often delineated by membranes. Compartimentalization depends on mechanisms that allow a directed trafficking of molecules such as proteins, lipids or nucleic acids between the different cellular compartments. Projects in the collaborative research centre 523 focus on the transport of proteins and RNA across the nuclear pore, the retention and sorting of membrane proteins within the secretory and endocytic route, the formation, transport and fusion of transport vesicles.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Completed projects
- A01 - Regulation of the nucleocytoplasmic transport of RNA and proteins in Xenopus oocytes (Project Head Pieler, Tomas )
- A2 - Regulation des Imports von Histonen in den Zellkern (Project Heads Albig, Werner ; Doenecke, Detlef )
- A3 - Molekulare Mechanismen der Membranassoziation der Kernlamine (Project Head Stick, Reimer )
- A4 - Mechanismen der Retenton von integralen Membranproteinen im ER und Golgi bei Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Project Head Schmitt, Hans Dieter )
- A5 - Sortierungssignale in Membranproteinen und ihre Interaktion mit zytoplasmatischen Rezeptoren (Project Head Höning, Stefan )
- A06 - Role of AP-1 complex for intracellular protein sorting (Project Head Schu, Peter V. )
- A7 - Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse pfalnzlicher Clathrin- und COP-coated Vesikel (Project Heads Holstein, Susanne E.H. ; Robinson, David G. )
- A08 - Assembly und Kern-Cytoplasma-Transport von U snRNPs (Project Head Lührmann, Reinhard )
- A9 - Proteintransport durch die Membran des rauhen endoplasmatischen Retikulums (Project Head Hartmann, Enno )
- A10 - Intracellular trafficking of chemokine receptors and associated adaptor proteins (Project Head Oppermann, Martin )
- A11 - Crystal structure analysis of components involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport (Project Head Ficner, Ralf )
- A14 - Transport von Determinanten der Zellpolarität in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Project Head Mösch, Hans-Ulrich )
- A15 - Proteolipid protein and cholesterol in the assembly of myelin membranes (Project Head Nave, Ph.D., Klaus-Armin )
- A16 - Kristallographische Strukturanalyse regulatorischer Proteine der TGN/Endosomen Sortierung (Project Head Rudolph, Markus Georg )
- A17 - Molecular mechanisms of myelin biogenesis (Project Head Simons, Mikael Jakob )
- A18 - Functional analysis of the RanGAP1 SUMO-1/RanBP2 complex in interphase und mitosis (Project Head Melchior, Frauke )
- A19 - What are the mechanistic differences in the biogenesis of Cvt vesicles and autophagosomes? (Project Head Thumm, Michael )
- A20 - The nuclear transport of the histone-fold-motif proteins NFY and NC2 (Project Head Doenecke, Detlef )
- B1 - Struktur und Funktion von Komponenten des vesikuklären Transports zwischen endosomalen und Golgi-Kompartimenten (Project Head Gallwitz, Dieter )
- B2 - Rezeptor-gekoppelte Endozytose bei Pflanzen (Project Head Hillmer, Stefan )
- B3 - Mechanismen des Synaptischen Targetings (Project Head Südhof, Thomas Christian )
- B4 - Kinetische Analyse von Mutanten sekretorischer Proteine (Project Head Neher, Erwin )
- B5 - Charakterisierung elementarer Prozesse bei Exo- und Endoctose in Pflanzen (Project Head Thiel, Gerhard )
- B06 - Characterization of early endosome fusion in vitro (Project Head Jahn, Reinhard )
- B7 - Charakterisierung der SNARE-Proteine mVti1 und Vti1b durch Herstellung defizienter Mäuse (Project Head Fischer von Mollard, Gabriele )
- B8 - Regulation der Biogenese synaptischer Vesikel (Project Head Haucke, Ph.D., Volker )
- B09 - Regulation of SNARE mediated membrane fusion by members of the Complexin protein family (Project Heads Brose, Nils ; Rosenmund, Christian )
- B10 - Visualization of molecular events during endocytosis in synapses (Project Head Klingauf, Jürgen )
- B11 - Biophysical investigations on the mechanism of SNARE assembly and disassembly (Project Head Fasshauer, Dirk )
- B12 - Characterization of the Transport Mechanism of Monomeric Kinesin Unc104/KIF1A in the Nervous System of C. elegans (Project Head Klopfenstein, Dieter )
- B13 - Regulation of the transport of COPI-vesicels from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in yeast (Project Head Schmitt, Dieter )
- B14 - Regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis by Actin-binding protein 1 (Abp1) and Huntingtin-interacting protein 1R (Hip1R) (Project Head Wienands, Jürgen )
- B15 - Molecular control of polarized vesicle transport by the PAR/aPKC complex in Drosophila (Project Head Wodarz, Andreas )
- B16 - SNARE complex function in Ca 2+ -triggered exocytosis (Project Head Soerensen, Jakob Balslev )
- N01 - Molecular mechanisms of myelin biogenesis (Project Head Simons, Mikael Jakob )
- Z01 - Zentrales Verwaltungsprojekt (Project Head Melchior, Frauke )
- Z02 - Immunelektronenmikroskopisches Service-Labor (Project Heads Jahn, Reinhard ; Lührmann, Reinhard )
Applicant Institution
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Participating Institution
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut der Pflanzenwissenschaften
Abteilung Biochemie der Pflanze; Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie
(Karl-Friedrich-Bonhoeffer-Institut) (aufgelöst); Max-Planck-Institut für experimentelle Medizin (aufgelöst)
Albrecht-von-Haller-Institut der Pflanzenwissenschaften
Abteilung Biochemie der Pflanze; Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie
(Karl-Friedrich-Bonhoeffer-Institut) (aufgelöst); Max-Planck-Institut für experimentelle Medizin (aufgelöst)
Professorin Dr. Frauke Melchior, since 1/2006