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SFB 424:  Molecular Orientation and its Functions in Chemical Systems

Subject Area Chemistry
Term from 1997 to 2008
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5480323
Under the topic "Molecular Orientation and its Functions in Chemical Systems" the research groups are looking for ways to achieve selectivity in organic synthesis, in catalytic procedures, in membran- and other interfacial processes and to understand the reasons for that. The treatment is coordinated in close cooperation between the disciplines Organic and Metallorganic Synthesis, Bioanorganic Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry, Physics, Mineralogy and Theoretical Chemistry. The subject includes e.g. the utilization of orientation of chiral components for the development of efficient catalyts for polymerization reactions and new polymers, the study of metalloenzyms (including simple models) and the construction of different types of border surfaces. All the projects are are linked together and supported by quantumchemical calculations.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Münster
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Dieter Hoppe (†)

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