SFB 281:
Disassembly Factories for the Recovery of Resources from Product-and Material Cycles
Subject Area
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
from 1995 to 2006
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5476059
The goal of the collaborative research centre 281 is to increase the use-productivity of resources. Aggravated economical, ecological and legislative conditions require strategies for long lasting, extended and intensified use of products. A sustainable and reuse-orientated cycle economy offers potentials for the realization of these strategies. Here, disassembly is a pre-conditional process level. Disassembly is not only necessary at the end of a product's life cycle but also of growing importance in a product's usage phase. Disassembly allows the adaptation of deteriorated products and components by modernising, remanufacturing, repairing, rearranging, maintaining, upgrading or downgrading, increasing or reducing. Disassembly and reassembly are essential for adaptation processes. In order to promote the adaptation of products instead of their disposal the efforts for disassembly and reassembly have to be reduced. Therefore, this research contributes to efficiently organised, highly mechanised and partly automated disassembly factories. The collaborative research centre consists of four project areas, which consider the development of new disassembly processes and tools and product accompanying information systems such as the micro system Life Cycle Unit, logistics and urban development, product assessment, disassembly planning as well as design for disassembly.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Trennen unlösbarer Verbindungen
(Project Head
Uhlmann, Eckart
A02 - Formunabhängige Endeffektoren für die zerstörungsfreie Demontage
(Project Head
Seliger, Günther
A03 - Flexible Spanntechnik
(Project Head
Uhlmann, Eckart
A04 - Arbeitsschutz, Sicherheitstechnik und flexible Reinigungstechnologie
(Project Head
Uhlmann, Eckart
A05 - Sensoren zur Prozeßführung und Zustandserkennung
(Project Heads
Reichl, Herbert
Seliger, Günther
A06 - Realisierung eines Pilot-Demontagesystems
(Project Heads
Seliger, Günther
Uhlmann, Eckart
B01 - Prozeßkettenbezogene Auslegung logistischer Systeme
(Project Head
Baumgarten, Helmut
B02 - Konzeption eines Netzwerkes von Demontagefabriken
(Project Head
Baumgarten, Helmut
B03 - Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Demontagefabrik und Stadt
(Project Head
Bayerer, Peter
C01 - Methodik zur Bewertung der Recyclinggerechtheit
(Project Head
Seliger, Günther
C02 - Rechnerunterstützte Demontageplanung und -steuerung
(Project Head
Seliger, Günther
C04 - Ökonomische und ökologische Handlungsoptionen
(Project Heads
Ackermann, Robert
Fleischer, Günther
von Hirschhausen, Christian
D01 - Entwicklung von intelligenten Verbindungstechniken für die Demontage
(Project Head
Blessing, Lucienne
D02 - Konstruktionsunterstützung bei der demontagegerechten Produktentwicklung
(Project Head
Blessing, Lucienne
D03 - Simulationswerkzeuge zur demontagegerechten Produktentwicklung
(Project Head
Krause, Frank-Lothar
D04 - Demontageorientierte informationstechnische Infrastruktur
(Project Head
Krause, Frank-Lothar
Z01 - Zentrale Aufgaben
(Project Head
Seliger, Günther
Z02 - Roadmap for Sustainability - A global Perspective
(Project Head
Seliger, Günther