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Linguistic practices of coal mining communities in the post-industrial era: variation, documentation, representation, regeneration

Subject Area Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 547531597
This international project will examine coal mining language through a comparative exploration of the Ruhr Area (Germany) and the East Midlands (UK), both historically important mining regions. These areas have been selected because they share a common period of coal mining, beginning in the 18th century and ending around the same time (in 2018 and 2015 respectively). As with other post-industrial regions of Europe, they have developed varied strategies to find new senses of identity, community and belonging. While regeneration through local mining heritage has been beneficial, less tangible forms of cultural heritage, notably language, have been chronically overlooked. We will advance knowledge of the diverse factors determining the usage, maintenance and emblematic value of mining languages, whilst developing and sharing effective approaches for preserving and conveying this endangered valuable heritage through local communities and museums. The project has the following aims and objectives: 1) Investigating linguistic variation of mining language on the levels of the individual and their community and comparatively between the regions using quantitative and qualitative methods; 2) Systematically documenting salient linguistic features and usage to ensure the preservation of such linguistic varieties; 3) Ensuring the effective representation of linguistic mining heritage through collaboration with local mining communities and museums; 4) Analyzing the role of mining language in nurturing and supporting regeneration strategies for informing how intangible cultural heritage can support successful place-based regeneration. We will pursue these objectives by initiating a multi-method design, with a particular focus on linguistic data from communicative interactions, lexical usage and visual representation of language. These methods are rooted in sociolinguistics, combining variationist linguistics, attitudinal and linguistic-landscape analyses to ensure the conservation of these cultural assets. The Ruhr Area and the East Midlands offer a unique opportunity for a systematic comparative-contrastive analysis to respond to the significant gap in research on the linguistic practices of former mining communities. The complex array of differences and similarities between these two postindustrial regions will facilitate an in-depth evaluation of key factors determining the vitality, value and symbolic meaning of mining language for local communities across different national and linguistic contexts both in Europe and beyond. The international comparison, collaboration and knowledge transfer will expand our capacity to identify key factors determining the local value and symbolic significance of mining language in the respective communities, especially in terms of sense of belonging and local heritage amid industrial decline. Findings will feed into regeneration efforts in these regions by demonstrating the value of intangible heritage, notably language.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection United Kingdom
Cooperation Partner Professorin Natalie Braber, Ph.D.

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