SFB 235:  Zwischen Maas und Rhein: Beziehungen, Begegnungen und Konflikte in einem europäischen Kernraum von der Spätantike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert

Subject Area Humanities
Term from 1987 to 2002
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5474491

Project Description

The collaborative research centre 235 at Trier University is located in the faculty of History, History of Art as well as History of Law, German and Romanic Philology and Roman Provincial Archaeology. It has been financed for almost 15 years by the DFG, the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate and Trier University and by the end of December 2002 29 projects will have been supported. These projects focus on the area between the rivers Meuse and Rhine, a contact zone of the two European cultures "Romania" and "Germania". From antiquity on until the early 19th century frontier crossing relations of any kind as well as the constant factors and changes of space patterns are of special interest. All projects also centre on an area in the heart of Europe which was formed into modern nation states during early modern times and which engages in ever closer co-operation, now that frontiers in Europe will be overcome.The fundamental issue which underpins the project is the establishment of a special space at the borderline where two important European cultures and language areas meet. Political-administrative, economic and social factors as well as cultural ones are of particular interest as they can change or determine space. Besides that, interconnections, relations and exchange across the contact zone play an important role as well as the analysis of exerperience, reactions and behaviour in conflicts. These aspects are of special interest because of the longterm changes in the overlapping area of "Romania" and "Germania".
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection Italy, Luxembourg

Completed projects

Applicant Institution Universität Trier
Spokesperson Professor Dr. Franz Irsigler