SPP 1156:  Adaptronics for Machine Tools

Subject Area Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Term from 2003 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5471969

Project Description

In the centre of the Priority Programme is the increase of efficiency of machine tools. An efficient machine tool is characterized by a high production quality and fast machining speeds, reliability and flexibility when different tools or materials are used. Although sub-assemblies (structures, actuators, measuring systems, etc.) are at the moment continuously improved, improvements in efficiency can be expected only through fundamental innovative optimization ideas. An example are "smart structures", also called adaptronics, which until now were developed predominantly for aerospace techniques. With adaptronic components, like piezoelectric multilayer ceramics, which can be completely integrated in a structure, it is possible to measure vibrations and structure-born noise of structures, as well as to damp or completely eliminate them. Thus new modular machine components are developed, through which the structure can be laid out either as a whole or as optimal stand-alone machine components. Through adaptronic components can be compensated as well thermal deformations with long-time effects or other (quasi-)static effects that also affects in a negative way the production quality. For theoretical and experimental researches on adaptronic sub-assemblies for various manufacturing processes with different machine and process related questions, engineers of the structural mechanics field, control engineers and production engineers have to work together. This interdisciplinary synergy is an indispensable foundation for a successful fundamental development of optimal mechanical structure systems for machine tools with structure-integrated actuators and sensors combined with adaptive control algorithms.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes


Spokesperson Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Hesselbach