SPP 1116: Wechselwirkung in ultrakalten Atom- und Molekülgasen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2001 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5471095
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
Atom-atom interactions in low dimensional systems
Schmiedmayer, Jörg
Atomare Wechselwirkungen in Quantengasen: Reduzierte Dimensionen und Fremdatome
Meschede, Dieter
Charged molecules and high-resolution electronic studies in helium nanodroplets
Stienkemeier, Frank
Coherent control of BEC tunneling and generation of macroscopic entangled states
Weiß, Christoph
Coherent Formation and Manipulation of Ultracold Homonuclear and Heteronuclear Molecules
Weidemüller, Matthias
Cold Ca molecules: generation, detection and cold collisions
Tiemann, Eberhard
Controlling single Cs atoms with a Rb condensate
Meschede, Dieter
Correlations in a Tonks-Girardeau Gas and Hanbury Brown-Twiss Noise Correlation Interferometry
Bloch, Immanuel
Critical Properties of Bose-Einstein Condensates
Kleinert, Hagen
Deceleration and cooling of large molecules using time-varying electric fields
Küpper, Jochen
Deceleration of SO2: Photodissociation of slow molecules and generation of cold SO and O
Tiemann, Eberhard
Der Anderson-Mott-Übergang in ultrakalten Atomgasen mit internen Freiheitsgraden
Müller, Cord
Dnymics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Holthaus, Martin
Dnymics of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
Zwerger, Wilhelm
Effects of the dipole-dipole interaction on the properties of ultracold rotating dipolar gases
Santos, Luis
Experimental investigation in quantum degenerate Fermi-Bose gas mixtures
Bongs, Kai
Experimental study of interactions of ultracold metastable neon atoms
Birkl, Gerhard
Experimentelle Studien der Wechselwirkungen in mehrkomponentigen Bos-Einstein-Kondensaten aus Rubidium-Atomen
Sengstock, Klaus
Formation of a quantum degenerate metastable calcium gas in an optical trap
Hemmerich, Andreas
From atoms to molecules in a mixture of paramagnetic and diamagnetic quantum gases
Görlitz, Axel
Generation and electrostatic confinement of ultra-cold molecules
Loesch, Hansjürgen
Guiding, trapping and cooling of atoms and molecules
Pinkse, Pepijn W.H.
Infrared molecular spectroscopy as a probe of many-body finite quantum systems
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Interacting Quantum Gases in optical lattices
Pfau, Tilman
Interacting two-dimensional quantum gases in optical traps
Weitz, Martin
Molecule formation in ultra cold mixtures of Rubidium and Lithium atoms
Zimmermann, Claus
Nonlinear matter wave optics: Experiments on nonlinear quantum dynamics in double-well and periodic potentials
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
One-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures and quantum-Hall effect for dark-state atoms
Fleischhauer, Michael
Präparation und Speicherung ultrakalter komplexer Moleküle
Schiller, Ph.D., Stephan
Quantum gases with tunable interactions in optical lattices and photoassociation of molecules in optical lattices
Bloch, Immanuel
Scientific exchange, training and visibility of the SPP 1116 activities
Wilkens, Martin
Spectral properties of interacting cold atoms in optical lattices
Buchleitner, Andreas
Speicherung von metastabilen Heliumatomen in elektrischen Fallen
Eichmann, Ulrich
Spektroskopie von Molekülen, Clustern und Komplexen synthetisiert in superfluiden Helium-Nanotröpfchen
Stienkemeier, Frank
Strongly correlated phenomena in trapped ultracold Fermi gases
Frahm, Holger
Strontium-Atome und ihre Wechselwirkung nahe der Entartung
Riehle, Fritz
Theoretical investigation of the interactions in ultracold atomic and molecular gases
Saenz, Alejandro
Theoretische Beschreibung eines laserangeregten Rydberggases, in dem der atomare Durchmesser mit dem interatomaren Abstand vergleichbar ist
Rost, Jan Michael
Theory of multi-component interacting inhomogeneous quantum gases
Wilkens, Martin
Tuning short- and long-range interactions in an ultracold chromium gas
Pfau, Tilman
Wechselwirkungen in gemischten Quantengasen
Esslinger, Tilman
Professor Dr. Martin Wilkens