SPP 1115: Mars und die terrestrischen Planeten
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2002 bis 2007
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5471062
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Internationaler Bezug
Accretion and core formation of terrestrial planets: insights from experimentally determined solubility behavior of siderophile elements in silicate liquids
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Holzheid, Astrid
Palme, Herbert
Accretion and core formation of terrestrial planets: insights from experimentally determined solubility behavior of siderophile elements in silicate liquids
Palme, Herbert
Adaptive strategies of microorganisms to extreme environmental conditions: Molecular mechanisms of desiccation and UV radiation resistance in the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans
Rettberg, Petra
Application of geothermometers to Martian meteorites
Palme, Herbert
Cellular mechanisms of survival in vegetative microcolonial fungal structures
Gorbushina, Anna A.
Chemistry of the martian atmosphere
Schwarz, Helmut
Chronostratigraphy of Mars - Chronostratigraphie des Mars
Neukum, Gerhard
Edelgase und Stickstoff in Mars-Meteoriten als Hinweise zur Entwicklung der Mars-Atmosphäre
Ott, Ulrich
Experimental study of the survival of endolithic microorganisms during impact and ejection of Martian meteorites: First phase of the transfer of life between Mars and Earth
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Rabbow, Elke
Stöffler, Dieter
Experimental study of the survival of endolithic microorganisms during impact and ejection of Martian meteorites: First phase of the transfer of life between Mars and Earth
Stöffler, Dieter
Fehlordnung in Pyroxenen aus Marsmeteoriten
Weidner, Eveline
Fingerprinting late accretion: Precise measurements of highly siderophile elements in planetary materials
Becker, Harry
Formation mechanisms of high-pressure phases in Martian meteorites
Bläß, Ulrich W.
Fraktionierung der schweren Edelgase und des Stickstoffs in Mars-Meteoriten als Folge terrestrischer und marsianischer Verwitterungsvorgänge
Schwenzer, Susanne Petra
Geodesy and Cartography of Phobos
Oberst, Jürgen
Globale Ausbreitung Stromatolithen bildender Bakterien
Stackebrandt, Erko
Integration of image matching and multi-image shape from shading for the derivation of digital terrain models
Heipke, Christian
Interior Structure and Seismology of Mars
Oberst, Jürgen
Interior Structure and Seismology of Mars and Moon
Spohn, Tilman
Investigation of Martin Dust Devils from Multi-Mission Imaging Data
Pätzold, Martin
Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model
Fraedrich, Klaus
Keller, Horst Uwe
Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model
Greve, Ralf
Investigation of the past and present Martian climate, its stability, and mechanisms of changes with a modular planet simulator model
Fraedrich, Klaus
Investigation of the properties and the processes in planetary near-surface layers
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Breuer, Doris
Seidensticker, Klaus
Investigation of Titan's meteorology in the light of the Cassini/Huygens mission by means of a general circulation model
Tokano, Tetsuya
Laboratory measurements of analog materials for modeling the spectral and photometric behavior of the bright Martian soil
Arnold, Gabriele
Liquid-like adsorption water in the Martian surface
Sattler, Christian
Magnetic signature of all Martian meteorites (SNC)
Hoffmann, Viktor
Mars and the Terrestrial Planets - Coordination of Programme
Spohn, Tilman
Mechanisms of metal-silicate segregation during formation of the Martian core
Rubie, David
Mechanisms of metal-silicate segregation during formation of the Martian core
Holzheid, Astrid
Mediterranean deep-sea brine lakes: unique terrestrial environments and analogues to putative subsurface ocean on Europa
Timmis, Kenneth N.
Modeling of plasma and magnetic field transport through the Martian magnetosphere on the basis of a three-dimensional hybrid simulation / Extension to a multi-species-ionosphere and code parallelization
Motschmann, Ph.D., Uwe
Modeling the Gas Flux into the Atmosphere from the Surface of Mars
Benkhoff, Johannes
Multi-fluid model of the solar wind interaction with Mars
Sauer, Konrad
New technique for retrieving pressure and temperature distributions in the Martian atmosphere from the infrared limb observations
Pauldrach, Adalbert Wilhelm Alois
Oxygen solubility in Fe-Ni-S alloy at high pressure and implications for the formation and compositions of planetary cores
Langenhorst, Falko
Rubie, David
Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal
Mezger, Klaus
Planetary and nebular fractionation in the early solar system: Evidence from isotopes and trace elements in metal
Palme, Herbert
Plasma induced atmospheric escape at Mars - A synthesis of Mars Express observations and theory
Woch, Joachim
Properties, formation and decomposition kinetics of C02 hydrates at conditions relevant to Mars
Kuhs, Werner F.
Recognition and modeling of biogenic structures on rock surfaces (far and close remote sensing of structures)
Krumbein, Wolfgang E.
Seasonal cycle of the exchange of H2O and CO2 between surface and atmosphere in the Martian polar regions with special considerations of surface topography
Markiewicz, Wojciech Jerzy
Stability and structures of hydrous minerals in the transition zone of the Martian mantle
Frost, Daniel J.
Langenhorst, Falko
Staubtori um Mars
Krivov, Alexander
Surface tectonics and internal dynamics of Mars
Hansen, Ulrich
Systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of all Martian meteorites - TOF-SIMS investigation
Stephan, Thomas
Systematische Untersuchungen der Stoßwellenmetamorphose aller Marsmeteorite (Systematic investigation of shock metamorphism of all Martian meteorites)
Greshake, Ansgar
Temperature distribution in crust and lithosphere of Mars
Breuer, Doris
The composition and temperature of the Martian Core - An experimental determination of the melting relations in the systems Fe-S and Fe-Ni-S at high pressure and temperature
Boehler, Reinhard
The geochemical behavior of Pb and implications for terrestrial core formation scenarios
Ballhaus, Christian Gerhard
The Martian Atmosphere: Observation and Modeling
Elbern, Ph.D., Hendrik
Hartogh, Paul
Thermochemical Evolution of Mars and Earth
Walzer, Uwe
Tolerance limits of methanogenic life in terrestrial permafrost
Wagner, Dirk
Untersuchung der Eigenschaften und Prozesse in planetaren Oberflächenschichten
Breuer, Doris
Untersuchung der physiko-chemischen Eigenschaften von eisenreichen silikatischen Schmelzen in Bezug auf deren Relevanz für den Mars
Courtial, Philippe
Valley Systems in the Ancient Highlands of Mars: Geomorphology, Environmental Constraints, and Hydrogeological Processes
Jaumann, Ralf
Weathering of Iron-bearing minerals and rocks under extraterrestrial conditions investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy, XRD, XRF, and other methods
Klingelhoefer, Göstar
Professor Dr. Tilman Spohn