The understanding of spatial-temporal dynamics in nonlinear systems is a fundamental concern in modern natural science. Self-organisation and the development of localised structures are of particular interest. In optical systems these effects can be studied in detail.
The nonlinear evolution of the optical field in space and time is determined by the environment, the structure and the optical properties of the interacting material. Light may also modify its environment by interacting with the material and consequently influence its propagation conditions.
Within the project, self-organisation and localisation phenomena will be analysed. Based on this analysis, light will be controlled from its generation to its practical application. The basic concept will utilise effects induced by light in matter in order to control the spatial temporal dynamics. Self organisation in complex optical systems will be controlled by varying the incident light field in time and intensity as well as generating instantaneous and non-instantaneous inhomogeneities in the material.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Central project
Tünnermann, Andreas
Dimensionseffekte in diskreten Systemen
Tünnermann, Andreas
Dimensionseffekte in diskreten Systemen
Bartelt, Hartmut
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in nonlinear microstructured resonators
Kley, Ernst-Bernhard
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in waveguide arrays with cubic nonlinearity
Bartelt, Hartmut
Nolte, Stefan
Discrete spatio-temporal dynamics in waveguide arrays with quadratic nonlinearity
Kowarschik, Richard
Pertsch, Thomas
Discreteness, nonlinearity and dissipation in the temporal domain
Peschel, Ulf
Dissipative temporal structures in mode-locked fibre lasers
Limpert, Jens
Generation of Femtosecond Vortex Beams, Self-channeling, and Filamentation in Gaseous Media
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Nichtlineare raumzeitliche Dynamik in dissipativen und diskreten optischen Systemen
Tünnermann, Andreas
Quantendynamik in dissipativen und diskreten Systemen
Leuchs, Gerd
Raumzeitliche Lokalisierung hochintensiver Lichtpulse
Hein, Joachim
Raumzeitliche Lokalisierung in diskreten und dissipativen Systemen
Lederer, Falk
Räumlich lokalisierte Strukturen und Inhomogenitäten
Kowarschik, Richard
Spatio-temporal localization in dissipative and discrete systems
Lederer, Falk
Strukturbildung und Lokalisierung in nichtinstantanen Medien
Richter, Wolfgang