Reactions in porous media (e.g. the degradation of pollutants in soils and groundwater) strongly depend on the mixing of the reaction partners by diffusion and dispersion. Groundwater flows laminar with slow velocities - thus no turbulent mixing like in open streams will occur.
Goal of this Research Unit is to elucidate these mixing processes and the respective reactions at a high spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore new measurement techniques (e.g. fiber optical sensors) will be applied, which allow the determination of concentration gradients in porous media at high resolution which was not attained before. A profound understanding and the identification of relevant processes at the appropriate scale is a prerequisite for prediction of fate and transport of pollutants (e.g. for risk assessment studies in soils and sediments). Mass transfer coupled to reaction is also important in adjacent fields of research such as chemical engineering, e.g. water treatment especially in case of complex contaminations which often are encountered in groundwater.
The Research Unit investigates all relevant scales starting from diffusion and catalysis in micro-pores, to the dissolution kinetics of coal tars in the inter-particle pores of coarse grained porous media and finally the biodegradation in heterogeneous aquifers. A central element of all subprojects is the numerical simulation of reactive transport - in future these numerical models can be used for the prediction of fate and transport of pollutants in our environment.
DFG Programme
Research Units