SPP 1049: Molekulare Steuerungsmechanismen der Zellwanderung
Subject Area
from 1998 to 2004
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5468558
Project Description
No abstract available
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Characterisation of N-WASP-defective-cells and N-WASP-interacting proteins
Wehland, Jürgen
Control of muscle precursor cell migration by inductive and cell autonomous signals
Braun, Thomas
Control of neural crest cell migration via signalling molecules (BMP-4, Noggin, eFGF, Wnts) in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
Control of neural crest cell migration via signalling molecules (BMP-4, Noggin, eFGF, Wnts) in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Steinbeisser, Herbert
Deregulation von Zell-Matrix-Kontakten bei invasiven und metastatischen Melanomzellen; molekulare Funktion des Proteins MIA
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Die Rolle von Isotypen der PKC bei Zelladhäsion, Ausbreitung und Lokomotion
Ziegler, Wolfgang Helmut
Die Rolle von Protein Kinase C und Calmodulin-abhängiger Protein Kinase II im Xwnt-5A-Signalweg
Kühl, Michael
Die Steuerung der Migration von Neuralleistenzellen bei Amphibienembryonen (Ambystoma, Xenopus) durch Signalmoleküle (Wachstumfaktoren, Matrixmoleküle) Control of neural crest cell migration via signalling molecules (matrix molecules, growth factors, transcription factors) in amphibian embryos (Ambystoma, Xenop
Epperlein, Hans-Henning
FGF receptor dependent cell migration in Drosophila
Leptin, Ph.D., Maria
Functional analysis of genes controlling germ-cell migration in zebrafish
Raz, Erez
Funktion von Plakophilin 1 bei der Regulation von Zelladhäsion und Zellwanderung
Hatzfeld, Mechthild
Genetische Kontrolle der mesodermalen Zellwanderung in der Embryogenese von Drosophila
Müller, Arno H.J.
Gentic control of migration
Birchmeier, Carmen
Glial cell migration in Drosophila
Klämbt, Christian
Identification of protein phosphorylation targets of S1b/Wnt11 signalling during zebrafish gastrulation
Heisenberg, Carl-Philipp
Kontrolle der Mesodermzellwanderung in der Gastrula von Xenopus
Winklbauer, Rudolf
Laminin-binding integrins and other receptors in the control of epithelial cell migration
Aumailley, Monique
Molecular control of cell migration during gastrulation by different members of the Xwnt family
Wedlich, Doris
Molecular migration control of myoblasts in the avian embryo
Brand-Saberi, Beate
Molecular principles of cell movements in Dictyostelium discoideum
Schleicher, Michael
Organization of National and International Symposia of the priority program "Molecular Control Mechanisms of Cell Migration"
Wedlich, Doris
Regulation der Morphogenese von Blutgefäßnetzwerken durch Tyrosinkinase-Rezeptoren und deren Liganden
Deutsch, Urban
Regulation of endothelial cell contacts during transendothelial migration of leukocytes
Vestweber, Dietmar
Steuerung der Lymphozyten-Migration und des funktionellen Aufbaus lymphatischer Organe durch das Chemokinsystem
Lipp, Martin
TFF-petides and their mechanisms of action during cell migration
Huber, Otmar
The Role of E-Cadherin, catenin p120ctn, and Hakai in Cell Motility
Birchmeier, Walter
Professorin Dr. Doris Wedlich