SPP 812:  Refraktäre organische Säuren in Gewässern

Subject Area Geosciences
Term from 1994 to 2000
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5466598

Project Description

The research program "Refractory Organic Acids in Aquatic Systems" was investigating on the systematic methodical characterization of natural organic substances (humic substances, refractory organic acids) as well as on the process-oriented investigations with regard to their reactions in ecosystems. Samples of soil and water from different origin were examined. In order to get comparable results, special reference substances have been isolated by the group around Prof. Frimmel. These reference substances could be used by all participants of the program for calibration purposes. Apart from natural systems (brown water, soil seepage water, groundwater), also treated waste water and anthropogenically influenced water was examined. The interdisciplinary questions were treated in different categories:-- Structural characterization and molecular identification with different methods (chemical, physical, biological methods)-- Determination of biological processes (microbial decomposition, composition, utilization)-- Investigations on physical-chemical interactions with anorganic and organic substances and with solid phases.The results were presented at two international conferences (Refractory organic substances in the environment - ROSE I (1997) and Refractory organic substances in the environment - ROSE II (2000)). A special edition of Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica "ROSE" was published in 1998. The complete presentation of all results will be published by the end of 2001 in an english book "Refractory organic substances in the environment" (Wiley).
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Norway


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Fritz Frimmel